I have about a 3-year-old Toshiba laptop with a dual-core 2.2 MHz T3400 dual-core Intel processor. I know it runs on the hot side. Recently it felt hotter than usual. I downloaded RealTemp 3.70. It was reading almost 100* C. The fan is operating OK. I took my shop vac and blew air through the fan on the bottom, then vacuumed the vent the on the side. It now runs at about 80* so I guess I had a lot of dust buildup on the processor. Luckily, I didn't damage the fan.
My question is this - do the newer laptops, like this Toshiba Ultrabook on Wal-mart's, website that costs $548, with a dual-core i3 processor, run cooler?
My question is this - do the newer laptops, like this Toshiba Ultrabook on Wal-mart's, website that costs $548, with a dual-core i3 processor, run cooler?