Job offer, to move or not to move...

Do Work Son

Go Kart Champion
Northern VA
I mean seriously, where the fuck did I go wrong in life?


Go Kart Champion
Chicago, IL
Well, now I just want to move to Colorado.

You made the right choice, OP.


Ready to race!
Oakland, CA
I lived in Denver for a year while in grad school (20+ years ago!) and loved the region. When we left Sydney I tried to convince my Ozzie wife to move back to Denver but she wanted a water view so we moved to the Bay Area where I grew up. Not a bad alternative but not Colorado...


Go Kart Champion
Dat Forum, Doe
Good call, Ryan.


Go Kart Champion
Thread is winning. Excellent result. 10/10, would fap again.


Ready to race!
Tampa Bay
Man, Florida gets hated on so much but everyone lives here eventually. Honestly, I would probably stay in Boulder. Florida is great because of the lack of taxes, water, and it's a frigid 67 F right now, but it sounds like you have a good thing going. At the least I would try to get the company to bring you out here to check it out.

Edit: You made your decision but might as well get a free trip if you can. Take the fam to disney.

D Griff

Go Kart Champion
Dat forum, doe
The Tampa area is actually pretty nice, people hate on FL and yet choose to live in places like Chicago that absolutely suck fucking jumbo dicks.

That being said, you made the right choice to stay. Money is only money.


Go Kart Champion

Fuck no. Land of perpetual left turn signals, flat land, no hills, and humid.

Are you comfortable now? I'd fucking kill to live in Colorado.

Zilhuge has a surprisingly accurate assessment of this. Honestly if you are happy out there don't fucking come here. I like it here but thats another story. Everyone here is insane, like certifiably mental. I get the "would be nice for a few years" thinking, but if you have decent job security where you're at now, don't leave.


Go Kart Champion
After sleeping on it for the weekend I'm gonna pass and stay in Colorado. Yesterday was my 16th day of skiing or the season so far and we still have a few months left. And if any of you follow the bike thread on here I'm in the middle of building a high end mountain bike that I plan to ride the wheels off of this year. I'm to happy here to leave here. I don't want to give up doing the things I love while I'm physically in/near my prime and I can go hard and enjoy them for money money when I'm old and not able to do what I can do now. But putting some real thought into all of it has convinced me to further bump up my retirement contributions.

Zilhuge has a surprisingly accurate assessment of this. Honestly if you are happy out there don't fucking come here. I like it here but thats another story. Everyone here is insane, like certifiably mental. I get the "would be nice for a few years" thinking, but if you have decent job security where you're at now, don't leave.

And this is why you should :readthethread::readthethread:

Good decision doe.


Drag Race Newbie
Lombard, IL
Colorado FTW. Seems to fit your lifestyle a lot better, imho.


Go Kart Champion
Louisville, KY
the job sounds awesome. i wouldn't be able to resist, even if it is a temp position. just to launch the tech and set it off, right? or is it a manufacturing/production job?