Has anyone else read about that? Pretty exciting if you ask me!
Yes for cobb and eurodyneMaybe a dumb question, but it's an actual flash right? So the same warranty implications as APR?
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I thought Cobb tunes were lame?
OMG...I've only heard about this 10q9823098412093840980923485 times...please...tell me more of the no information that is out there.
You must be slow or something. You realize a ton of information is out there already for the MK6's and we will know the whole story in 4 days when they are released. After that Cobb is focusing on the MK7's. Go troll somewhere else.
Oh yah...a ton of information...like that video of that annoying guy telling me how amazing cobb is...yah...tons of info....or are we talking about the same picture that has been posted thousands of times on every vw site/forum/page there is with the date of 3/22/16...is that the "ton of information" you are referring to???
Are you referring to the speculation threads??? Because speculation does not count as information.
How about you eat a dick. Like I said...a bunch of speculation and videos of that fat piece of shit trying to talk about "inferior tuning solutions" like they can just sweep APR off the map because they have a little clicker to play with.
estimated whp??? you really like a bunch of non-information...get with it.
There is almost 0 real information about this thing...you're an idiot if you think there is.
Speculation and sales collateral...you are pretty gullible.