Instrument lighting in side light position


New member
Miami, FL
Jon, you've figured it out! I know a lot of NAR 7R owners who will be extremely happy this is now working!

I've seen the (1)-Illumination_algorithm-Scale_switching_algorithm adaptation channel before, but never had any success with it. I think that was many months ago, before 25327 was revealed to be a partially-working SC for the 17 controller. (I say partially working because it still doesn't enable dimming curve adaptation changes.)

I never thought to try it again! Thank you!

I applied this change to my MY2016 NAR 7R:

Open controller [17-Instruments]
[Security Access-16] > Enter 25327
[Adaptation-10] > Change (1)-Illumination_algorithm-Scale_switching_algorithm from parking_light to lds

Now, my cluster illuminates in low ambient light for all headlight switch positions except OFF.

The cluster still follows the "on until dark" dimming curve in the OFF position. In addition, all switch positions remain on a dimming curve that increases cluster brightness in response to an increase in ambient light. (I tested the latter by shining a light on the sensor between the "7" and "8" on the tach.)

Thanks again!

I have this on my 17 S, anyone has the coding to turn on the dash lights with the city lights on?

Just picked up a MK7 and 1st thing that was noticed was this issue. The post above explains and should get that fix for you