Honda is a strange company. I like them, really, but their vehicles seem to oscillate wildly from somnolent to surreal, and with little rhyme or reason apparent to this gaijin. My wife had a CR-V for over 12 years, and I had nothing bad to say about it (other than I loathe SUVs in general). It's hard to criticize anyone for buying, say, a Civic or an Accord, as in those price categories those cars are always sound choices. But the recent styling changes for the Civic in general make me scratch my head. Not just because my personal style isn't in that vein--hey, to each their own--but because these cars just stand out like sore thumbs among the rest of the placid herd of Honda heifers. Weird.
Though a Civic R should meet up with the dash and center console from an ATS-V. That...would be aesthetic hell.