Helix Soundbox Upgrade Information Post!


Passed Driver's Ed
I just got my GTI yesterday and I found the stock system with MIB3 to be pretty darn good to the point where I ask myself do I really need the Helix?

I was kind of blown away by the stock sound system... I come from Subaru.. Maybe that's why.

same here when I first got the GTI, but now having the Helix I would say it still makes quiet a difference :D


Passed Driver's Ed
Just fitted the Helix to my 7.5 GTD. Superb job!


New member
W Washington
Didn’t need any tools for my install. Screwdrivers to release the dash unit, paper clip to remove the terminals, pull up trim with bare hands.

1.) small recessed screw next to the sub cables plug

2.) for different models (I.e not mk7) that had different plugs for power pins
So how did you mount the DSP / amp on the subwoofer? :D

Also just because it's possible doesn't mean its optimal and I'm for sure a cheap bastard when it comes to spending additional money when its not needed. However trim tools make short work of popping trim, with less risk of breaking a tab. I've done it bare handed and with a spatula in the past but $10 on Amazon is money well spent IMO.


Ready to race!
Louisville, KY
2017 GTI Sport 6mt
So how did you mount the DSP / amp on the subwoofer? :D

Not sure I understand. With the included screws and template :confused:

Also just because it's possible doesn't mean its optimal and I'm for sure a cheap bastard when it comes to spending additional money when its not needed. However trim tools make short work of popping trim, with less risk of breaking a tab. I've done it bare handed and with a spatula in the past but $10 on Amazon is money well spent IMO.

Explain to me the magic of what a trim tool does over your bare hands? They’re dead simple compression clips. I’d actually love to know how to break a tab in this car. I’m not sure I could do it if I tried.


Ready to race!
I find the tools enabled me to lift and pull from the areas around the clips. Without the tools I was putting stress on the trim and was afraid to bend it into bad shapes.


Autocross Newbie
'16 Golf R DSG
I think we can all agree that there is more than one method, one set of tools, etc. to get this job done. Whatever works for you might not work for someone else, that's why there are just "recommended" tools, to help speed the install along.


Ready to race!
Louisville, KY
2017 GTI Sport 6mt
Fair enough. Let me assure those interested, that it is possible for this job to be completed without any specialty tools. You can use them, but they’re not required.
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New member
Auburn, CA
Helix harness

Does anyone have a pin-out diagram for the 20 pin connector that plugs into the Soundbox amp/dsp? Or alternatively a part number for the harness. I don't see it at the Audiotec Fischer website. thanks!


Autocross Champion
Newport News, VA
2017 GTI Sport

Does anyone have a pin-out diagram for the 20 pin connector that plugs into the Soundbox amp/dsp? Or alternatively a part number for the harness. I don't see it at the Audiotec Fischer website. thanks!

I have it, but i cannot access my files until Sunday evening. Shoot me a note on Sunday if someone hasn't already posted it by then. I need to put it on my website so it's available to everyone. :cool:

How did you adjusted the gain on the DSP? Halfway?

I recommend leaving that screw alone. I don't think it's a gain adjustment because it does not act linearly. Instead, it may be an impedance-matching adjustment for different subwoofer combinations for Helix's other applications. I think the screw is set from the factory for our subwoofer. That's my theory, anyway.

I base my theory on seeing someone local to me adjust his and the sub stopped working. We tinkered with it and got the sound back. It seems to work in only in a sweet spot. Therefore, I don't think there's any benefit to playing with it if the system works. My $0.02. ;)



Passed Driver's Ed
Montreal, Canada

I recommend leaving that screw alone. I don't think it's a gain adjustment because it does not act linearly. Instead, it may be an impedance-matching adjustment for different subwoofer combinations for Helix's other applications. I think the screw is set from the factory for our subwoofer. That's my theory, anyway.

I base my theory on seeing someone local to me adjust his and the sub stopped working. We tinkered with it and got the sound back. It seems to work in only in a sweet spot. Therefore, I don't think there's any benefit to playing with it if the system works. My $0.02. ;)


I should of let it alone.... I was looking at the content of the helix and I played with the screw to see how it was set.

It seem to be turning only 3/4 of a full turn... So I adjusted it to be halfway since I did not notice how it was factory setted...

Hopefully I won't have issue tomorrow when I do the installation.

Fingers crossed... It did not seemed like a setting screw though... No clicking or ticking.. Just a screw turning.

Edit : Also noticed the tension on it is not much.. I'm sure it's going to turn a little by itself with the sub vibration.
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Ready to race!
Louisville, KY
2017 GTI Sport 6mt
It’s definitely a gain adjustment for the sub. You can see it labeled on the pp50dsp which is what the soundbox amp essentially is. Since they relegated programming to the dongle and pulled all the dip switches out, they just moved it and the status light over to the other side next to the sub cables.

My advice is to leave it alone. If bass is too high or too low for your taste, turn it up or down in 1/8 turns testing a couple of songs each time. If you play with it and it cuts out with a sweet spot somewhere in the middle you very likely have a bad trimmer. If it cuts out only in the higher range then it’s likely set so high that it’s clipping real badly and you’re getting a “square wave” output that speakers tend to not like.

FWIW there hasn’t been an impedance “switch” on amps since the old days when they were driven by tubes and the impedance was determined by the windings on a big honking output transformer.
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Passed Driver's Ed
Montreal, Canada
It’s definitely a gain adjustment for the sub. You can see it clearly labeled on the pp50dsp which is what the soundbox is. They just saved a few pennies by removing all the dip switches and other programming things and moved the trimmer screw to the other side near the sub cables.

FWIW there hasn’t been an impedance “switch” on amps since the old days when they were driven by tubes and the impedance was determined by the windings on a big honking output transformer. If you play with it and it cuts out you very likely have a bad trimmer.

Did you adjusted it at all?