Headlight fault code help needed!


New member
2015 GTI SE
Hello All!

Looks like I originally posted this in the wrong place so I'm trying again.

I'm a recent GTI convert from TDI land. After owning 14 VWs and an Audi (Sciroccos, Rabbits, Jettas and an A3) the MQB platform is like walking into a new world!

My "new" ride is a '15 GTI SE, no lighting package or PP.

I did a scan with my VCDS cable and two faults popped up for the headlights that I can't seem to find a "fix" for in all the forum searches I've done. The codes are 17674 & 17930, which I'm guessing are the reason that my inner headlights are dim to the point of almost being yellow.

It would appear that these are fairly common codes to come up based on the VCDS scans that others have posted but in those scans, the lighting faults weren't the reason for the post so I haven't been able to figure out how to make these go away.

If anyone has any thoughts on this, I'd be VERY GRATEFUL for some help!
Thanks in advance


Drag Racing Champion
@JShark : Hi

OK- these are the high-level descriptors for your faults
  • 17674 - Bulb for Front Left Side Marker Lamp
  • 17930 - Bulb for Front Right Side Marker Lamp
Hmm......... with absolutely no offense intended, the trick to getting informed responses to forum requests is the provision of information!!

So, with my words above as a non-combative preface - I suggest that you post-up a full, unedited (meaning NO alteration) copy of the SCAN report for this car - as an attachment. The SCAN will tell us the accompanying fault-data for these 2 x error-codes and it will disclose the identity of all modules in this car - which will provide a context for the problems!



New member
2015 GTI SE
Hi Don,

Thank you for your reply, I apologize to all for my lack of etiquette.

I'll upload the scan as you suggested, hopefully that will help me solve the issue I'm having.

Thanks again for the heads up, I appreciate it.


New member
2015 GTI SE
Hello again all,

As recommended by Don, here's the scan I pulled from VCDS that shows the errors I'm trying to sort out.

VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 11 x64
VCDS Version: (x64)
Data version: 20240919 DS356.3

VIN: 3VW5T7AU5FM002255 License Plate: TBD
Mileage: 181320km-112667mi Repair Order:

Address 09: Cent. Elect. Labels: 5Q0-937-08X-HV1.clb
Control Module Part Number: 5Q0 937 087 K HW: 5Q0 937 087 K
Component and/or Version: BCM PQ37BOSCH 026 0097
Software Coding: 001108464041826969E44000001407201800000000000000000000000000
Work Shop Code: WSC 00066 790 07031
ASAM Dataset: EV_BodyContrModul1UDSBosc 012003 (VW37)
VCID: 43856BB5CA44988E96-8016
2 Faults Found:

17674 - Bulb for Front Left Side Marker Lamp
B12BA 15 [00001001] - Open or Short to Plus
Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 96
Mileage: 181320 km
Date: 2024.10.02
Time: 10:30:13

Terminal 15 status: On
Terminal 50 status: OFF
CAN-Bus_aktiv: On
Status Bremslichtschalter (HW): OFF
Status Bremslichtschalter (CAN): OFF
OFF: Not operated
Position lamps: Not operated
Automatic high beam assist: operated
Low beam: Not operated
Parking light left: Not operated
Parking light right: Not operated
last_wakeup: g ltiges Funktelegramm
Voltage: 11.7 V
Outside temperature: 22.5 C

17930 - Bulb for Front Right Side Marker Lamp
B12BB 15 [00001001] - Open or Short to Plus
Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 96
Mileage: 181320 km
Date: 2024.10.02
Time: 10:30:13

Terminal 15 status: On
Terminal 50 status: OFF
CAN-Bus_aktiv: On
Status Bremslichtschalter (HW): OFF
Status Bremslichtschalter (CAN): OFF
OFF: Not operated
Position lamps: Not operated
Automatic high beam assist: operated
Low beam: Not operated
Parking light left: Not operated
Parking light right: Not operated
last_wakeup: g ltiges Funktelegramm
Voltage: 11.7 V
Outside temperature: 22.5 C

As I stated before, any assistance on this would be immensely appreciated.
Thank you in advance!


Drag Racing Champion
@JShark : Hi again and thanks for the additional data -BUT!!!

I suggest that you post-up a full, unedited (meaning NO alteration) copy of the SCAN report for this car - as an attachment.

I've been doing this stuff for many years and I can say with absolute certainty that reading SCAN reports is a very nuanced activity in which more data is always better!!

So, to explain why an "unedited" SCAN report is so useful, think about how different folk get a different understanding of the story-line in a novel despite everyone reading the same words. It's the same with diagnostic SCAN reports - what you consider to be irrelevant information and therefore worthy of deletion is very different to how I view the value of the missing data.

As an example, let's take the heavily edited SCAN information in your last post. Alas, because of the missing data, I have no idea whether this car has a hex55 module. This information would tell me if this car was fitted with HID, Halogen, or LED headlights. I also do not know what other modules are installed in this car - so I have no context for the errors in the hex09 module (which is called the "BCM" (Body Control Module) in VCDS speak)

Anyway, rant over - because of the missing data, I've had to revert to analyzing the long-code string on the BCM to understand what flavor headlights are fitted to this car. If I'm reading the long-code values correctly - I believe that this car uses headlights with halogen lamps. Please advise if my diagnostic conclusion is incorrect.

Again, assuming that I'm correct - the error codes in your part-scan almost certainly are NOT related to the words in your first post: "my inner headlights are dim to the point of almost being yellow". On mk7 Golfs with halogen lamps, the "inner headlights" also operate as Daytime Running Lights (DRLs) - which I assume work properly on this car. These lamps "are dim[med]" after dark because the reflectors in the DRL fittings do not have the correct cut-off characteristics for night-time driving - these lamps would blind on-coming cars if fully illuminated!

So, your BCM error codes are referring to entirely different lamps and the fault descriptor means that these lights are NOT functional at all on this vehicle! Position Lights are not used on headlight fittings here in the Antipodes - but my understanding is that they are located on the extreme outer part of the headlights on "Yankee" cars.

Of course anything is possible with the fault-codes on this car - but as a rule-of-thumb, the same error-message on both sides of the vehicle is generally telling!! It usually points to coding as the cause of the fault. So, with no offense intended, I have to ask - has the BCM on this car been coded using your VCDS cable?

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New member
2015 GTI SE
Hi Don,

I'm pretty embarrassed about my lack of reading comprehension, sorry for not uploading the scan properly as you said.

My car does, in fact, have the halogen lights but other than a few of the "tweaks" I've picked up on the forum (like lowering the volume of the soundaktor), I haven't done anything with my VCDS cable to alter the BCM coding. That's not to say it wasn't toyed with under previous ownership, I just haven't done any coding myself (I'm not that advanced so I tend to err on the side of caution). Is there a way to do a scan to tell if it has been done? Is there anything else I can upload that would help figure this out?

I'm SO very grateful for your input, I genuinely appreciate your patience as I'm figuring this stuff out!


  • Log-TBD-3VW5T7AU5FM002255-181320km-112667mi.txt
    2.9 KB · Views: 20


Drag Racing Champion
@JShark: No need for embarrassment - your tread-softly approach to coding changes is both wise and admirable given your position on the VCDS learning curve!

So, it's my turn to apologize - as I now understand why you posted-up what I mistakenly called a "part-SCAN" - it's because the information that you included in your earlier replies is not a SCAN report - it's an error-log.

Maybe as an aid in moving-along the VCDS learning-curve, have a play with Ross-Tech's handy-dandy user-manual HERE. It's interactive, so it works by clicking on the relevant parts of the screens. I suggest that you start by clicking-on the AUTO-SCAN button and then follow the prompts - it will definitely help with your future use of VCDS

Anyhow - let's move-on. Yes indeed, changes could have been made by the previous owner!! As I say, it's odd that the same error-code appears on both car-sides!

I wonder if the previous owner deactivated the side-marker lights on this car by physically interfering with the lamp, or the wiring infrastructure - rather than via coding changes? Of course I'm guessing!

So, how do you want to proceed - what is your objective? Do you want to:
  1. Just delete the error-codes and leave the side-marker lamps inactive? Or,
  2. Diagnose the problem with the objective of activating the side-marker lamps (which will subsequently delete the error codes)?
Task 1. above is simpler and it won't activate the side-marker lamps - but that's how the car is currently
Task 2. above will be more complex because it will necessitate chasing the wiring loom for the side-marker lamps and it will include voltage checks - do you have access to a multi- meter?



New member
2015 GTI SE
Hi Don,

I'm a little blown away by your kindness and willingness to help me out! Thank you!!!

I will definitely go through the tutorial (thank you for the link!) and will post an actual scan as soon as I can.

As far as what I'm trying to accomplish....ideally, I'd like to clear the error codes as I'm not overly fussed about the side marker lamps. That said, I do have some intermediate 12v electrical skills as I've been working on 12v boat systems for 30+ years and I'm not afraid to break out the multimeter.

While I'm unsure about how much the car was "played with" before I got it, I did notice that with the high-beams on, my left side light has a "flicker" to it. That would lead me to believe there's a connection issue of some kind (maybe a loose ground?) as I checked the fuses and everything "seems" like its intact.

In any event, I'll get on that scan and get it posted. Hopefully that will lead to some further insight as to what the problem could be.

Thanks again!!!


New member
2015 GTI SE
As promised, here is the log from the Autoscan I just completed. Thank you so much for your help!!!


  • Log-TBD-3VW5T7AU5FM002255-181405km-112719mi.txt
    15.5 KB · Views: 19


Drag Racing Champion
Jay: Hi.
I'm humbled by the sentiment in the first sentence in your reply (thank you). However, ain't nothin' particularly kind in my willingness to help - I'm sure that you would do the same if someone asked for your advice on "boat systems"

Anyhow, enuff with the mutual hagiography!! ;)

So - your SCAN report looks fairly clean (except of course for the BCM errors) - which is a good thing since this car has 118,000+ kms on the clock!! That said, it's odd given your words "the high-beams on, my left side light has a "flicker" to it" that the SCAN is silent on this matter. The BCM continuously monitors the health of each individual headlight lamp - so I would have expected a related error-message, even for intermittent failures of the high-beam lamps.

OK - let's change tack (see, I've used the only boating term that I know:)) and go into solution mode. Since you want to just clear the 2 x BCM error-codes - try making changes to the following adaptation channels in the BCM :
  • ENG116938-ENG115910-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Lasttyp 2 > not active [8 - allgemeine Glühlampe 12W]
  • ENG116939-ENG115929-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lasttyp 3 > not active [8 - allgemeine Glühlampe 12W]
Notice the bit that I enclose in square-brackets above - this is my assumption of the existing value of the adaptation channel. Do NOT proceed if these setting values are not correct on this car!

Also, before attemting my suggestion, you will need to unlock the BCM with VCDS - use the security code 31347 for this purpose

Finally, I'n not sure how familiar you are with making coding changes to adaptation channels using VCDS. If not, I suggest that you refer to the VCDS link in my previous reply. If it gets too difficult - just ask and I will guide you through the process!!


PS: "I checked the fuses and everything "seems" like its intact". Forgive the pedant in me, but here's the thing about MQB platform cars like this Golf - they don't use fuses for the headlight lamps (as was the case in earlier models)! Instead, the BCM contains electronic circuitry that monitors and protects each lamp. In effect, this function is akin to that of a separate, automatically re-setting circuit-breaker for each individual lamp. It's a pretty-nifty facility and the BCM is a very sophisticated piece-of-kit!!
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New member
2015 GTI SE
Hi again Don,

Given how much free advice you dole out, "kind" seems pretty appropriate to me! And yes, if there were a forum like this for random sailing questions, I would like to think I'd be as helpful as you are, so point taken :)
(by the way, nicely done on the "changing tacks" comment!!!)

I will definitely try to make the changes in the coding that you suggest but I'm not exactly sure what I'd be changing the values TO (from "not active" to "active"?) Hopefully it'll be obvious when I get into the BCM but I may have some follow up questions as I tip-toe through the process. I've got a little bit of experience with coding changes from working on my MK4 TDI and my 8P Audi A3, but as the cars I own get "newer", my anxiety level goes up! For sure, I will go through the VCDS link you posted earlier.

As for the high-beam "flicker", I guess it's just going to remain a headscratcher for now, but the fuse information you provided will certainly be helpful moving forward as that would have been my starting point for gremlins like this.

Thanks again, you truly are a gent and I appreciate the generosity with which you field all of our questions.



Drag Racing Champion
I'm not exactly sure what I'd be changing the values TO (from "not active" to "active"?)
Jay: My apology - I sometimes assume too much!!

  • ENG116938-ENG115910-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Lasttyp 2 > not active [8 - allgemeine Glühlampe 12W]
  • ENG116939-ENG115929-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lasttyp 3 > not active [8 - allgemeine Glühlampe 12W]

When making changes to the adaptation channels - the "from" value is the bit between the square brackets and the "TO" value is the bit after ">" .

So, in both instances the change is "from" 8 - allgemeine Glühlampe 12W "to" not active

To explain what I'm doing - each of the 35 x exterior lights on this car is controlled by a separate thing that I call a "Leuchte-set". A Leuchte-set is a group of 19 x related channels that has a name that starts with "Leuchte" (which is German for "light").

Therefore, the BCM in this car has 19 x 35=665 Leuchte channels grouped into 35 x Leuchte-sets. You should see this pattern when you access the BCM with VCDS.

So, look at the structure of the adaptation channel names above and you should see the general nomenclature below (which uses "-" as the field separator:
  • Parent Tag - Child Tag - Parent Channel Name - Child Channel Name > Channel value
Ignore the leading Tag numbers in the channel name - they are not relevant for this explanation. The binding rule for a given Leuchte-set is that it must have ONE unique "Parent Channel Name" and it must have 19 x different "Child Channel Names"!

The Leuchte-set identifier is in the "Parent Channel Name"- Leuchte2SL VLB10 controls the left-side marker lamp and Leuchte3SL VRB21 controls the right-side lamp on "Yankee" mk7 Golfs (I think - as I say, these cars are different!).

Without wanting to make this a master class on Leuchte programming - the "Child Channel", Lasttyp in a Leuchte-set tells the BCM what flavor lamp is installed in the lamp-socket. On this car, the current factory-setting 8 - allgemeine Glühlampe 12W informs the BCM that the lamp socket has an incandescent lamp with a 12 Watt rating.

When the value of the Lasttyp channel is changed to not active - the BCM is instructed to disable the Leuchte-set entirely. Disabling the Leuchte-set also deactivates the monitoring function for the associated lamp - hence no more error messages!! Of course this doesn't fix the side-marker light problem - but it does achieve your wants (I hope)!

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New member
2015 GTI SE
You sir, are a ROCKSTAR!

Thanks again, I can't even begin to tell you how grateful I am for your help.

Cheers for now, I'll keep you posted!