Flashed APR stage 1 LO today....


Ready to race!
New York
So after much debating and research, I decided to finally go with apr' s stage 1 low output. This gives me 295hp and 335tq which I think is plenty for me just wanting a little extra. I have the revision 4 "t" turbo and from what I understand I should be fairly safe. So far I love the tune, the car seems to shift much smother and it's not so bouncy in 2nd gear anymore.


Ready to race!
Philadelphia, PA
"Bouncy"? I presume you have the auto type transmission.. no losing with the APR or Eurodyne tunes versus stock.. i only have tried Eurodyne, but would love to try an APR on my car.. it is outrageous how different a driving experience it is, no.. but are you talking about "bouncing" from near no throttle at wlow speed? if so, you don't need a tune for that.. just slightly heavier shoes.. i presume i am wrong, so please explain what you are describing as bouncy?


Ready to race!
Richmond, VA
After flashing stage 1 I found that I needed more pressure on the throttle to keep 2nd gear chugging along nicely in parking lots. It makes sense to me. More demand.


Ready to race!
New York
I have manual. What I mean is if I'm coming up on a car in traffic, I'd put it in second gear coasting, when I let off the clutch it would rock or bounce back and forth when I started to go again (most likely because it was still too high of gear to be in for the speed) but now it just seems a lot smoother when I do that.


Ready to race!
Any sign of the clutch slipping? Between that and the potential to blow a turbo I'm staying stock for now

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Ready to race!
New York
So far no slipping. I was worried about the turbo as well, but talking to vw and my apr dealer about my revision 4 "t" turbo, they told me chances are low and out of the 25 tunes (higher output) apr hasn't seen a blown turbo nor has the 2 vw dealerships that are in my area. I know there's always that chance, I figured it would have blown when I missed 4th and went into 2nd doing 70 getting on the highway. Stupid! :eek:

I don't beat my car, i got this mainly to know I have the potential and have some fun now and again.


Ready to race!
I hear you - it's one of the reasons I'm considering the neuspeed power module as its a a bit less aggressive than the apr low.

Does it feel like a new car?

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Ready to race!
New York
I hear you - it's one of the reasons I'm considering the neuspeed power module as its a a bit less aggressive than the apr low.

Does it feel like a new car?

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I looked at that too, and was about to pull the trigger on it when I read that a alot of people said its bad for the motor long term. Not matter what you do you're going to run into some type of risk I suppose. The car feels amazing, I'm very happy so far with the low output. The apr dealer said I'd probably be back for the high output, but I think low is a happy medium between risk and reliability and certainly has plenty of power for me!