I'm in the minority. They don't ruin you financially. Sure, it costs a lot to feed them, clothe them and give them things but if you manage it well you can still live well. We had two close together and wife stayed home until the youngest was in 1st grade. We may not have had a lot of extra money, but enough to live and drove new cars and still have some extra.
I also think that having a second one close does make it easier, just not when they are babies/toddlers. Ours are 19 months apart and there were times it seemed like twins. But after the diaper stage and becoming more and more self sufficient it makes it way easier now. They always have someone to throw the ball with or whatever. Granted they are both boys, so that helps big time.
Advice? It's very cliche, but time man. It will pass so fast you won't even realize it. Even a colicky baby went by fast despite seemingly making time stand still at times. Also, never be too busy to listen to them or to join them in an activity they want or read to them. It does wonders for them later in life.
Enjoy it as much as you can. It will be difficult, frustrating, exhausting, challenging and above all REWARDING. The unconditional love you will feel for your child is perhaps the greatest happiness you will ever encounter. Even at 10 and 8 I still look at them and smile just because.