EPC Light at high RPM, EQT tune second revision *Update: Car is now a hot mess


Autocross Champion
0 regrets from me. I get this misfire when I'm like 300 RPM before the absolute redline, I can just shift at 6500 and have no issues. It was worth it. The car is an absolute blast to drive.

Which is all good. Different strokes 'n all.

On the up side, people will always remember me.

Just not for the right reasons 🤣


Autocross Champion
We could be dealing with the same issue, go to my build thread.
I'll take a look
EQT told me that my fuel pressure drops were normal. I should have gone with my gut and addressed it as soon as I noticed it.
Take a look at my recent log, stft was at -4% nearing redline, if I was starving for fuel I would expect stft to be consistently high under wot. Im running an autotech HPFP and brushless LPFP and shouldn't be even close to fueling issues at this power level. If the HPFP was failing I should see more variables pointing to that case.
ngl, all this shit just reaffirms I made the right choice to bail on a hybrid. I could never deal with this shit.
Don't over exaggerate, the car still pulls like a bat outa hell, just working out some small kinks before tuning more aggressively. My engine is at 83k miles and im still on the original PCV and coils, both usually take a shit at or before this mileage. I've been putting a lot of time and money into my small business venture this year, so I haven't been able to give the GTI much attention lately. Also, R's have their own issues ya gotta deal with, especially once they begin piling on the miles.
No I want to stay emissions compliant...
0 regrets from me. I get this misfire when I'm like 300 RPM before the absolute redline, I can just shift at 6500 and have no issues. It was worth it. The car is an absolute blast to drive.
Yup, once im done typing this im gonna jump over and check out your thread. But for me it likes everything up to about 6800. Next year i'll swap out the 3" downpipe to a fat 4" for faster spool and even more fun, may have to give up my stock exhaust as well.


Autocross Champion
TIL Cobb doesn't log misfires. Personally I'd change out the PCV/coilpacks, I would rather not let it misfire to the point you hit an EPC (if that's what it's doing)


Autocross Champion
TIL Cobb doesn't log misfires. Personally I'd change out the PCV/coilpacks, I would rather not let it misfire to the point you hit an EPC (if that's what it's doing)
Thankfully since switching out the plugs I haven't gotten an EPCs or even misfire codes. The logs look pretty good for the most part, why I seem to hit an imaginary wall at 6800 is what im troubleshooting. New PCV and coilpacks are on the list to replace eventually.

Its entirely possible the best rpm to shift at for max power may be around 6700 anyways from the looks of the dyno run last April, and not running out my engine to 7200rpm might be good for the life of the engine.

GTI Dyno Run EQT v1.02.jpg

Here is the log from that dyno run in April


Autocross Champion
Thankfully since switching out the plugs I haven't gotten an EPCs or even misfire codes. The logs look pretty good for the most part, why I seem to hit an imaginary wall at 6800 is what im troubleshooting. New PCV and coilpacks are on the list to replace eventually.

Its entirely possible the best rpm to shift at for max power may be around 6700 anyways from the looks of the dyno run last April, and not running out my engine to 7200rpm might be good for the life of the engine.

View attachment 262357

Here is the log from that dyno run in April
I hit the same wall at the same RPM and trigger a misfire.


Autocross Champion
2018 GTI Performance
Me? I haven't revved the car past 3k since November.
Sure you guys not running out of injection window on Bosch gti injectors? Never had an issue on my Contis but with Bosch I have run out of injection window a few times in cold weather and probably E90+ since many E85 pumps in Sweden run almost pure Ethanol until november.


Autocross Champion
Sure you guys not running out of injection window on Bosch gti injectors? Never had an issue on my Contis but with Bosch I have run out of injection window a few times in cold weather and probably E90+ since many E85 pumps in Sweden run almost pure Ethanol until november.
Not me. I'm tuned for 94 E10.