It's been a long journey but I'm almost done my MIB2 retrofit on my Canadian NAR 2015 GTI Autobahn. Either opportune timing, or just plain luck (ebay seller sold it to someone in WA, USA who sold his GTI before being able to install it and got us in touch, thanks
@rrador I believe), I had a chance to get a Hacked 3G0 035 047 head unit to stick to NAR parts for radio compatibility and Discover pro for future AID install (maps on dash and center console).
So what I've learned, yes there is indeed a unit that will not work with the MIB1 fender amp. It seems to be the NAR Discover Pro unit. Not sure why, possibly the files used to do the Hack are from files from ROW units and the slight differences in the units causes it not to recognize the MIB1 fender amp? Just thoughts floating in my head but ROW Harman 3G0 035 0## units have worked with success since EZT retrofit kits uses these. MIB2_STD (3G0 035 8##) units for sure work with the MIB1 fender amp as far as all the retrofits members have shared seem to state.
Major thanks to
@simaservis1108 for troubleshooting and confirming amp could not be made to work from what we currently know.
Maybe it will be figured out before the last '15 GTI retrofit gets completed... but not for me. But thank goodness for Aliexpress, brand new OEM 5Q0 035 456A for $322 CAD shipped and it came in 14 days.
So one thing that might be of interest for anyone who still has MDI connectors doing this retrofit. I opted not to abandon the old cable nor did I pull the harness that came with new USB/Aux port. The green connector can be reused, and if you have a de-pinning tool, you can reuse the can-bus cables associated to the MDI port by popping out the cables from the TE 1534101-1 connector that plugged into your old 5G0 035 222
A. You can save money by not buying the harness but you still need to buy a 2pin and 4 pin connector. The yellow and green highlights are the individual cables needed to make the USB/AUX work. The rest can be abandoned.
For the two pin connector for USB power (red & shiny black) above the green connector, I used Audi part 4B0 972 623 and shaved off the surround to fit. Accepts the same size pin terminals extracted from the TE 1534101-1 connector.
Your wiring to the AUX in port (brown, yellow, green, dull black) will need to either reuse the connector that came with your USB/Aux harness or bought separately (connector PN TBD)
I am almost done, just need to get the CP removed from the Amp and I'm good to go.
For those who planning to buy all the remote tools:
- D-Link DUB-E100 you can find these days won't work because they use the Realtek 8152B modem. Finding one with an ASIX chipset is essentially impossible.
- But shopping for ASIX AX88772 you'll find other compatible USB ethernet adapters. I was recommended the uGreen USB ethernet adapter P/N:20254 which you can get from Amazon quite quickly.
Edit2: As is, the uGreen adapter will not work, some changes to the firmware will need to be done. Sima will do it remotely.
- The 5054A clone that I bought from Aliexpress is still active for those who want to buy your own unit.
Aliexpress 5054A. Mine will soon be going up for sale once all is done or for rent if there is still a demand in Canada for this. (shipping from our friends in the USA is not really cost effective and the losses on exchange rates for exchanging deposits is just a waste).
After all that... I finally got what I was looking for... keeping the radio/bluetooth on after shutting off the ignition!!! I truly find it weird that
Kessy ALL (EDIT: just read the owners manual, there's no accessory position on the ignition switch??? really???) models do not have a true accessory mode. Pressing Start/Stop without brake should have cycled through accessory-->systems on-->off. Running the car stalled, or hitting the radio power button in which the radio stays off until you manually turn it on on the next ignition just seems like a half baked solution. Oh, and that Android auto stuff is nice too I guess
(EDIT: as a teenager I drove my dad's 1989 Mercury Sable (Ford Taurus equivalent) and as a poor grad a 2004 Toyota Echo, Ford did the notch behind off for accessory, while the Echo used the notch between Off and On for accessory. I guess VW with MIB1 figured you should get your ass out as soon as you're finish driving.
. I liked the Toyota implementation best since you could turn off the engine into accessory mode without interruption to what you were listening to)
EDIT2: Finished the upgrade, shoutout again to
@simaservis1108 another happy customer. Got everything in order super quick. A few things to make sure things go as smoothly. Unless your wifi is great all the way to your garage/driveway, in addition to TeamViewer, download latest version of VMWare workstation Pro, and debian-live-10.10.0-amd64-gnome ISO operating system. definitely want to get 3GB of downloads out of the way with as good of a network connection as possible.