DIY MIB1 to MIB2 Infotainment Conversion (Part 1)

George Ab

Drag Racing Champion
Pacific NW
This is a do it yourself of a retrofit of MIB1 to MIB2 Infotainment system.

Warning: This is my experience and is for informational purposes. You are fully responsible for your own project, neither myself nor this website is responsible for what you do.

UPDATE: This post abbreviates the information provided for the DIY:

IMPORTANT UPDATE: If you purchase the right manufacutue of headunit you can get around component protection and enable all the needed FECs with an SD card and software. I will try to find link for this process somewhere in this thread when I find the time and update.

This is to supplement the excellent article on vortex here: Huge thanks paul_elstak at vortex for doing the groundwork on this. This article pertains to a unit that is modified by a secondary manufacture so is not stock.

The article by Shapeshifter is a must read. It applies to modified unit (or hacked in authors words) and non-modified unit’s differences and what needs to be done to get them working.

My first decision was “hacked” or “non-hacked”. I am performing the conversion to a 2015 SE, so I have the Fender system with the MIB1 amplifier under the seat. Since cost was a primary driver and I was unable to get MIB2 Infotainment headunit to work with MIB1 Amplifier, (statement is no longer applicable, MIB1 amp can work with MIB2 headunit see below) I reached out to companies that modify head units, requesting if I could send my MIB2 unit for conversion and tweak to work with MIB1 amp as a vendor stated they could do this in the first article referenced. I received three responses, all saying they only supply Navigation units. So I needed to go the non-hacked method, bite the bullet and buy an MIB2 amplifier and the key to add Carplay.

Costs: If you have a non-Fender system you can go MIB2 with larger screen and faster unit for approximately $400 plus cost for component protection (CP) removal. If you want App-Connect for CarPlay or Android then add $240 so you are at $640 plus CP removal. If you have the Fender System add another $380 for amplifier. I shopped it and with the Fender system my total parts cost was $870. However, still significantly cheaper than a hacked unit which is approximately $1,450 for head unit alone. NOTE: This information has been updated as you can use your MIB1 Fender amplifer with MIB2 head unit see below.


Infotainment Unit: Replaced MIB1 5G0035844 with MIB2 3Q0035844. These units are readily available from salvage yards and eBay for around $130, I paid $83 shipped.

Display Screen: Replaced 5.8” 400X240 pixel 5G0919605H display with 6.5” 800X480 pixel 3G0919605H or 3G0919605 display. With different resolution must have MIB2 head unit. 6.5” is big enough for me and allows reuse of existing fascia piece. My only navigation will be Apple Maps through Carplay. They run around $200 and seem to be a tad cheaper from a salvage yard vice eBay. I purchased a clean 6.5” screen for just under $160.

Note: The NAR 3G0919605H layout is different the ROW 3G0919605 and in my opinion the European screen’s layout is cleaner. The European does not have the “Voice” button, but has a “Mute” button in its place. Voice is replaced with separate “Setup” button so you don’t have to go through sub menus. Band button is labeled Radio. I have used the voice button a handful of times in my over 2.5 years of ownership and found its use an exercise in frustration. The voice function is still available on steering wheel.

USB/Aux Connector and Harness: Replaced media input with USB/Aux so I could use Appleplay. I purchased 5G0035222E with harness off of Aliexpress for $65 shipped. It is now $80. Harness was considerably longer than required, but there is plenty of space to roll up excess behind cubby that holds USB/Aux inputs and it worked fine. I checked out using harness with MIB1 unit and changed bit 19 of headunit for use with USB, but no joy. If you need the USB outlet you will have to have MIB2 headunit.

MIB2 Amplifier: No longer required see update below. Replaced MIB1 Amplifier 5G0035456 with MIB2 Amplifier 5Q0035456. $315 shipped. Note the database most salvage yards use lists 5G0035456 for amplifier. If the car is a 2016 it should be a 5Q0035456, but you may want to ask and verify.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Per this thread a MIB1 amplifier can be made to work with a MIB2 head unit. . MIB2.5 units and MIB2 3G0 035 047 units are not working with MIB1 amps. See here:

VW Car Connect Activation Code: $240 shipped. Do not buy the VW Car Connection Activation Code see the update below.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: This post is an update purchasing App-connect. It will make more sense after you read through the thread.

Stereo Removal Tools: The VW manual calls out for part number T10057 not PC5-93 called out in reference article. However, either one will work fine, and I found the PC5-93 was easier to work with. You only need one set of two. For the display there are four keeps, but you can do the two upper, release; and then two lower and remove.

Process overview:

Recommend saving coding and adaptations, then replace Media In connector with USB/Aux input and harness, replace display screen, and infotainment unit, then have Jack Kirry or simaservis1108 remove Component Protection, install App-Connect key (FeC) and re-install existing FeC's (Driver's mode, Voice command, etc).


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George Ab

Drag Racing Champion
Pacific NW
DIY MIB1 to MIB2 Infotainment Conversion (Part 2)

Save Coding and Adaptations:

Using Vag-Com, go to Application, Controller Map, and make copy of 5F infotainment and 47 Sound (if you have Fender system). Just in case you need these and to compare with new unit. Likely your new unit will be set up properly, but always good practice.

Remove display:
The article referenced provides the information on how to, I will only supplement for changes for NAR, corrections etc. I did not have to remove the air ducts, my fascia came out without the air ducts. Recommend before installing new display you run your new USB/Aux cable as it will assist with access.

Remove Infotainment:
See reference.

Install new USB/Aux harness: You will have to remove the green connector from the large block connector, from front of connector there is a small keep that needs to be actuated and then connector will slide out. The Media In harness which is the yellow 4 pin connector and green connector is tied to the larger harness. Therefore, rather than remove I just put the new cable in, you can tie the old connectors to cable with tape so they will not rattle. I found it easier to pull harness down from infotainment unit to cubby rather from cubby to infotainment. I removed the side panel and took a bicycle cable shroud (a piece of RG-6 coax cable will also work well) for fishing cabling. House wiring cable is also decent, a clothes hanger is likely not long enough. After removing side panel I started from there and went half way through dash, reached up and pulled down to cubby. Now I could tape USB/Aux yellow and green connectors to my shroud and fish up harness to infotainment unit. Green connector will slide into large connector.

Install infotainment. Install Display: If you went with the 3G0919605 rather than the NAR 3G0919605 you will have to remove two tabs on the male connector. Recommend using a Dremel tool, much easier and safer than a knife.

Replace MIB1 Amplifier (Fender Audio Only).

Per this thread a MIB1 amplifier can be made to work with a MIB2 head unit.

Slide seat all the way back. Remove cubby by moving forward and releasing keeps on both sides of sliders. Remove two pop rivets that secure amplifier cover. Push cover forward to release keeps and out. Remove 2 10mm nuts and 1 10 mm screw. To remove the large 42 pin connector push on the detent that secures the connector lever and pull back lever. Then release the double fiber optic connector, there's a keep you need to be squeeze in and it comes straight out. There is a housing that is connected to the amplifier with two T 30 torques screws. Installation is reverse.

Vag-Com changes: Since your unit is likely from salvage it is already coded with adaptations all sorted. However, you should check a couple of things in the 5F module. Check bytes 4 and 11 if you have a Fender System as the donor unit may not have come from an external amp unit. In my case I did have to change the values to the original values of byte 4 to 00 and byte 11 to 02. Also verify byte 19 is set for USB iPhone fully functionality.

Have component protection (CP) removed and have App-Connect key implemented: Important Update: Do not go to dealer as no one has had a dealer successfully install App-Connect FeC. Find someone like Jack who has FAZIK connection and can remove CP, implement App-Connect FeC. Also DO NOT purchase AP connect separately.

See IMPORTANT UPDATE and reinstall existing FeC's (Driver Modes and Voice Commands) which are associated with your VIN in the VW database.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: If you purchase the right manufacutue of headunit you can get around component protection and enable all the needed FECs with an SD card and software. I will try to find link for this process somewhere in this thread when I find the time and update.

Before component protection is removed you will be able to play with CarPlay as it likely will be activated. Sound will not work as CP is activated, but you will be able to have maps on display and do the things CarPlay allows you to. Once CP is removed not only will you not have CarPlay, but you will also lose Bluetooth and Audio Commands. Checking out CarPlay, I was totally hooked and it made the decision for the $240 for the Ap Connect key from VW an easy one.

This is a definition of component protection courtesy of our “all things VW knowledge source” Don (DV52): Before going through expense of having component protection removed, recommend making sure your unit works properly. I had issues where the unit would go blue screen “Emergency Firmware Update” after 10 minutes or so. Had to return and get another unit.

There are folks with a VW subscription providing access to FAZIT connection who can remotely remove Component Protection and implement App-Connect key. You will require VAS 5054 with OKI chipset, this is similar equipment the dealer uses. The cable can be had for around $120. This is normally used with the Onboard Diagnostic Information System (ODIS); powerful, but complicated.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: VW has changed their interface requirements to FAZIT resulting in additional requirment of a D-Link DUB-E100 High Speed USB 2.0 Fast Ethernet Adapter to true 10/100. Others may work, but D-Link has been confirmed to work.

I found a reference to a gentlemen when I did a google search for component protection on an Audi forum. He had me download Team Viewer and remotely removed component protection and added App-Connect key. A reasonable hourly rate is charged when everything works. Jack Kirry is contacted through Skype, his username is jacekk993. Additional user simaservis1108 provides this service.

Previously, I had an issue making a replacement CAN Gateway work (for adaptive front lighting system retrofit) and he was able to assist. This was after I was charged two hours of labor to have component protection removed and engine communication occurred resulting in EPC light and no cruise control. The reason for the two hours was tech was trying to resolve engine failure after removing CP. He was unsuccessful in resolving and after 2 hours, I said just give me the car as it is. I reached out to this gentlemen and he had me squared away within an hour.

Update: This post #862 provided valuable information on part numbers and working with Jack.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: This post is an update concerning purchasing App-connect.

MIB2 Impressions: Its fast! With MIB1, I would scroll through my artists in music and I would find myself waiting and waiting for them to appear. Love that I can scroll through my albums with a flick of a finger. The screen is big enough for its application. I found the original screen a tad small. The increased resolution is particularly noticeable with the back-up camera and the album art. Still getting used to Carplay which uses Siri as the major interface, and with Siri’s issues it is still light years better than VW voice command which I found useless. When I need navigation having Applemaps on my screen works OK.

MIB2 Amplifier Impressions (Pertains to Fender system only): I was quite pleased with the audio performance of the MIB1 amplifier used in the Fender System. With the MIB2 amplifier I immediately noticing some audio improvements particularly in the low end tightness. Everything seemed less muddied; still not perfect, but it is car audio and it is an improvement.

Is it worth it? IMO, if I didn’t have the Fender system, it would be a no brainer to get the MIB2 headunit and larger 6.5” high resolution display for $400 plus CP removal. You can stop there (if you can live without Bluetooth (tough ask) and VW Audio commands) or add CarPlay later for another $240 plus install cost. With the Fender system a little $1,000 (less if you shop it, I was under $900) plus CP removal for larger higher resolution display, faster unit, Carplay and audio improvements.

For reference, these are the FeC’s I know of:
5G0054830A - App-Connect $208
5G0054809 - Driving Modes. $118
5G0054802 - Voice Activation. $138.
5G0054802A - Voice Activation with Navigation. $230
5G0054801 - Driver Alert.
No FeC for Performance Monitor that I know of.


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Ready to race!
Hi All,

Im hoping somebody can point me in the right direction here. I retrofitted an MIB PN 5G0035043A acquired from a source in Poland with all CP removed and Nav working etc I also switched out the mdi connector with a new USB Apple Carplay enabled connection and fitted an 8" display on my 2015 Golf. Everything is working but the USB option is greyed out on the car. I done the coding with Paul specified changing byte 19 values to 10000100 but still no joy. USB still not recognised:confused: I dont have VCP Pro only VCDS and didnt put MIB into engineering mode just switched the bits and the values have definitely changed to 10000100 Now my questions and aplogies if they are stupid ones Im just figuring this out as I go! The MIB I got with Harmann PN 5G0035043A (label on MIB itself) is this a CarPlay compatible MIB firstly. When I go into the SW settings for it it shows its device PN is 5G0035043D HW H40 SW 0368. I know this might be down to the cracked software that was installed by guys in Poland put on. Does anybody know what Im doing wrong here for USB to be greyed out or what coding I may need to change to make it work ? As always a big thank you to all the people who have posted in here so far.


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George Ab

Drag Racing Champion
Pacific NW
Unfortunately, per my understanding MIB1 is not carplay compatible. On my MIB1 (which I replaced), I experimented by connecting the USB cable and changed the coding in byte 19. I did not get any communication with USB or ability to use as charging station. Also, per my experience you do not have to put unit in Engineering mode to make coding changes using VCDS.

If you purchase a "hacked" unit, recommend you ask if it has Car-Play, Driving Mode, and Performance Monitor. With a hacked unit these will not be able to be added later unless sent back to company that did modification.
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Passed Driver's Ed
Any idea what modifications are made to get the mib2 to work with the mib1 amp? Sending something to do another country is a bit much for me.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk


New member
Thank you for sharing all these informations. I have two questions so far.

1. Did you think about adding an USB Hub to have more USB ports? I would think of getting one carplay enabled usb port within the arm rest or so to connect phone and don't have cables laying around?

2. Did anyone retrofitted a SIM unit and connect the additional two purple connectors for the GSM antennas?


New member
Thanks for share yours MIB1 DM -> MIB2 DM conversion experiences.
I share mine, my conversion is MIB1 Discover Pro -> MIB2 Discover Pro.

1) Component protection removed -> done by VW service
2) Unit coding and adaptation for my vehicle -> error after online coding by VW service, I have done it manually -> done manually
3) FeC/SWaP activation from my MIB1 -> imported to my MIB2 via ODIS -> done by VW service

1) Only radio, media, dvd and sd cards readers works. USB port, maps, bluetooth, voice control, app-connect doesn't work.
2) FeC from my MIB1 unit is visible on my MIB2 unit as "active", but other FeC goes to "temporary inactive" state.

List of my MIB2 function codes (FeC/SWaP):
1) 09100008 Active <- include my car VIN 
2) 00060900 Temporary dropped <- those include donor-car VIN 
3) 00060800 Temporary dropped
4) 00060300 Temporary dropped
5) 00060100 Temporary dropped
6) 00030000 Temporary dropped
7) 00050000 Temporary dropped
8) 00070200 Temporary dropped
9) 09300008 Temporary dropped
10) 00040100 Temporary dropped
Any idea what needs to be done next? Have you the same FeC ID like mine?
To see those FeC/SWaP codes - you need to have "developer mode" active. Press MENU till "service menu" appear, then go to Function Codes(FeC/SWaP).


Passed Driver's Ed
Great work! You are giving me some confidence that I may be able to do this if I can get all the parts. I have been having a little trouble figuring out all the different units that would work. Is it possible to get a non nav mib 2 unit. If so what are the part numbers? Basically just looking for a list of the different units and screens that will work.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk


Go Kart Champion
the Netherlands
Thanks for share yours MIB1 DM -> MIB2 DM conversion experiences.
I share mine, my conversion is MIB1 Discover Pro -> MIB2 Discover Pro.

1) Component protection removed -> done by VW service
2) Unit coding and adaptation for my vehicle -> error after online coding by VW service, I have done it manually -> done manually
3) FeC/SWaP activation from my MIB1 -> imported to my MIB2 via ODIS -> done by VW service

1) Only radio, media, dvd and sd cards readers works. USB port, maps, bluetooth, voice control, app-connect doesn't work.
2) FeC from my MIB1 unit is visible on my MIB2 unit as "active", but other FeC goes to "temporary inactive" state.

List of my MIB2 function codes (FeC/SWaP):
1) 09100008 Active <- include my car VIN 
2) 00060900 Temporary dropped <- those include donor-car VIN 
3) 00060800 Temporary dropped
4) 00060300 Temporary dropped
5) 00060100 Temporary dropped
6) 00030000 Temporary dropped
7) 00050000 Temporary dropped
8) 00070200 Temporary dropped
9) 09300008 Temporary dropped
10) 00040100 Temporary dropped
Any idea what needs to be done next? Have you the same FeC ID like mine?
To see those FeC/SWaP codes - you need to have "developer mode" active. Press MENU till "service menu" appear, then go to Function Codes(FeC/SWaP).

Sharing these here as well (since not everybody reads SpeakEV ;) )
The following FECs are the ones I know of:
00030000 AMI (USB Enable)
00030001 Gracenote
00040100 Navigation
00050000 Bluetooth
00060100 Vehicle Data Interface
00060200 Infotaiment Control
00060300 Mirror Link
00060400 Sport HMI
00060500 ??
00060600 ???
00060700 ???
00060800 Apple Carplay
00060900 Google Automotive Link
00060A00 ???
00060B00 ???
00070100 SDS
00070200 SDS for Nav
00070400 ???
021000xx Nav Maps EU
021100xx Nav Maps NAR
021200xx ???
021300xx ???
021A00xx ???
021B00xx ???
021D00xx Nav Maps ROW
023000xx Nav Maps EU
023100xx Nav Maps NAR
023D00xx Nav Maps ROW
033000xx Nav Maps EU
033100xx Nav Maps NAR
033D00xx Nav Maps ROW
061000xx Nav Maps EU
061100xx Nav Maps NAR
061D00xx Nav Maps ROW
063000xx Nav Maps EU
063100xx Nav Maps NAR
063D00xx Nav Maps ROW
071000xx Nav Maps
073000xx Nav Maps EU
073D00xx Nav Maps ROW
081000xx Nav Maps EU
081100xx Nav Maps NAR
081400xx Nav Maps AGCC
081401xx Nav Maps AGCC, Turkey
081402xx Nav Maps AGCC, Israel
081403xx ??
081500xx Nav Maps South Africa
081600xx Nav Maps Australia, New Zealand
081700xx Nav Maps India
081800xx Nav Maps Mexico
081801xx Nav Maps Chile
081900xx Nav Maps Asia/Pacific
081D00xx Nav Maps ROW
081D01xx ??
083000xx Nav Maps EU
083D00xx Nav Maps ROW
091000xx Nav Maps EU
091100xx Nav Maps NAR
091300xx ??
091400xx Nav Maps Turkey
091401xx Nav Maps AGCC, Turkey
091402xx Nav Maps AGCC, Israel
091403xx Nav Maps AGCC
091500xx Nav Maps South Africa
091600xx Nav Maps Australia, New Zealand
091700xx Nav Maps India
091800xx Nav Maps Argentina, Brazil, Mexico
091801xx Nav Maps Chile
091900xx Nav Maps Asia/Pacific
091A00xx ??
091D00xx Nav Maps ROW
093000xx Nav Maps EU
093100xx Nav Maps NAR
093D00xx Nav Maps ROW


New member
Sharing these here as well (since not everybody reads SpeakEV ;) )

:):):) yes, that's funny - very little world. Thank you Chillout.

Regarding FeC's I think that good point to investigate "how it's really works". In fact, I have 2 FeCs responsible of Nav function on my MIB2 now.

091000xx Nav Maps EU <- as "active"
093000xx Nav Maps EU <- as "temporary dropped"

On MIB1 there was no more FeCs, so I think this FeC is like Multi-FeC - one package included all functions. The question is why it doesn't extract and start the other function active.
Maybe what I need to do is just delete all "temporary dropped FeCs". What you think?


Go Kart Champion
the Netherlands
:):):) yes, that's funny - very little world. Thank you Chillout.

Regarding FeC's I think that good point to investigate "how it's really works". In fact, I have 2 FeCs responsible of Nav function on my MIB2 now.

On MIB1 there was no more FeCs, so I think this FeC is like Multi-FeC - one package included all functions. The question is why it doesn't extract and start the other function active.
Maybe what I need to do is just delete all "temporary dropped FeCs". What you think?

hmmm, it might have to do something with MIB1 and MIB2 FECs. Some FECs are only for MIB1 or MIB2. I forgot to mention: the last two digits of the navi FECs determine the update limit. (how long you will have free map updates)


New member
Some FECs are only for MIB1 or MIB2

I found something interesting on ETKA (

[URL=""]510919866AG - sd memory card for updating the navigation data, 
D - 25.05.2015>> - 02.11.2015, 
[I]I don't understand, because next description is:[/I]
activation document for the navigation function, not for this model
If those are "activation document for the navigation function" for MIB2 units the question is what does "the navigation function" really means.
So, if those "functions" include basic nav-unit functions like
00030000 AMI (USB Enable)
00040100 Navigation
00050000 Bluetooth (Telephone?)
00060100 Vehicle Data Interface
093000xx Nav Maps EU MIB2 High
This part COULD BE useful in case of "Legit" MIB2 High(PR I8H+7UG) retrofiting.
How check the details above, any idea?
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