Right, took a deep breath and went for it....
* I will take NO responsibility if you decide to do this for yourself and it doesn't work as anticipated *
Please do your own research before carrying out any changes
This was my software version previously. 0376, with hardware 5G0 035 020 E
Using the software link in the German forum thread above, I downloaded the 1.4GB zip file, and extracted all files to the root directory of a SD card - I think you'l need a card of 8GB or higher and I used an empty 32GB class 10 SDHC card for speed (with no other files on the card)
I also suggest you use a Windows machine, rather than a Mac, as OS X has a 'feature' of creating various hidden system files on the SD card which confuse the hell out the Discover Pro, and are a PITA to manually delete
With the Discover Pro switched on and operational, I then held down the MENU button on the headunit for 10 seconds to enter the service mode, then selected 'Software/Hardware versions' then 'Update", then selected the source as SD card
A few on screen prompts followed, followed by a screen that said this
I held down the power button on the DP to reset the unit and held my breath whilst it restarted, for what seemed an eternity
- I now had a screen that asked me what I would like to update, so just pressed all, and let it do the updates automatically
It does warn you it could take a long time, and not to power off the car or start the engine either.
In my case, it wanted to update 4 files
A number of screens like this then followed over the next 5-10 minutes
Followed by another restart screen
After another restart, this was the next screen I was presented with this
Pressed the summary, and had a list like this, which I take to show which software has been updated from my earlier version
I then pressed the back arrow, and pressed close, and had yet another restart screen prompt
When it all booted back up again, success
- No radio stations presets/logos lost
- No navigation presets/POIs lost
- Phone was still paired/favourites still stored
- Voice control still worked
Version info now shows as below, but for some reason, it now reports my head unit as a D version rather than the previously shown E
I'll try and pair my work Blackberry phone later, as it was one phone that was having hassles previously pairing - I suspect there will be no difference as my colleagues also have various Bluetooth hassles with their identical Blackberry devices across a variety of cars.
Overall, the unit does seem a little faster overall between changing stations, etc but too early to tell if there has been any benefit in doing this (compared to my previous version, anyway)