Did I miss something?


Automotive Engineer
2008 GTI
Whats up with this whole car tombstone deal? I have a 50mile commute one wawy everyday. I pass by this one vehicle all the time that has "RIP, William Baker, April 12th 1976 - Jun 5th 2008" on his back windsheild. Well today I noticed that he added another on there, a one Mrs. Shantelle Baker. I realize that it might be his/her parents but wtf??? Can we not afford a tombstone?(Could be, but I wont be judgemental)

Not only that but when I get to work I see dozens of these things. Again, I cannot stereotype because I dont ultimately know who drives each vehicle but I've noticed a trend by the names listed. Are these people crying out for attention for their dead relatives? I mean damn if mine had died I would cremate them, maybe make a tombstone and call it a day. I dont want to have to stare at that shit every time I walk to my car!! It would literally ruin my day EVERY single day.

Maybe I'm not as sensitive, who knows. But do some people at least agree with me? Like I said, I'm not passing judgement on those who lose their family members but it just doesnt seem logical you know?

UPDATE: Heres my plan, I'm going to start placing people's names that I dislike on my car and park close to the entrance. Not only their names, I'm going to place a future date on there to let them know when they're going to die. They will FREAK out. But I wont just do one name.....I will place a list of 10 people on there so it'll look like I'm planning a mass killing of my company. Its the perfect crime. They will just suspect its all family members. But I have to make sure their lasts name coincide.

This all being an absolute joke of course lulz



Automotive Engineer
2008 GTI
those rear windows match your signature...:D

lol not a bad idea...I should do it. Although my vehicle is murdered out sorta

It's funny you mention that...I saw a guy in a mkiv cabrio this morning with a memorial sticker on the rear of his car...I was like WtF?

I'm at the point where its like "Keep that shit to yourself"...I already know way too much about you in the 5 seconds it took me to pass you.


Go Kart Champion
I think they are just trying to honor/remember their loved ones.
People these days have the need to tell everyone, everything.
Just look at Facebook, Twitter and the like.


Ready to race!
Frederick, MD
Almost as bad as the stick figure stickers on the back of SUVs and vans outlining how many children and pets people have.



Ready to race!
Hollywood FL
One of these days Im going to see two same sex stick figures and a gold fish and its gonna crack me up (not that theres anything wrong with that....). As far as the mobile tombstones, its usually the same people who put their dead relatives face on t shirts. Always been curious how one would organize that. Do you get sizes before the funeral? At the funeral and mail them out? Or just order a bunch of oversized tees and call it a day?


Automotive Engineer
2008 GTI
Almost as bad as the stick figure stickers on the back of SUVs and vans outlining how many children and pets people have.

I hate this shit too. I kinda want to put A TON of kids on there and put a woman on there and label it as the Bastard family. How many kids will fit on the back of the GTI?


Drag Race Newbie
Lombard, IL
the RIP stuff has been around forever.. I guess I "get it", I just think its weird.


Automotive Engineer
2008 GTI
I just lol'd at work from that pic ^