CSB3: We Should Do A Track Day!


Autocross Champion
Scooty Puff Jr
The world's a fucked up place, with fucked up people. There's also a lot of good people, and a lot of good things in the world. We get bombarded with so much information on a regular basis, and so much of it is negative, that it makes it easy to get lost in all of it. That's why I hang here, lots of people I can get along with and talk about fun shit with. Food, cars, beer, animals, whatever.

I think everybody gets in those ruts, and the trick is to not let them be your life. Be cognizant of the things that are going on the world and try to make the stuff you do in your regular life reflect your character, but don't let it paralyze you. Ever watch The Good Place? that's a show that's got a real good message overall about the human condition.


Autocross Champion
nice try PPNT
MK1 Tiguan
The world's a fucked up place, with fucked up people. There's also a lot of good people, and a lot of good things in the world. We get bombarded with so much information on a regular basis, and so much of it is negative, that it makes it easy to get lost in all of it. That's why I hang here, lots of people I can get along with and talk about fun shit with. Food, cars, beer, animals, whatever.

I think everybody gets in those ruts, and the trick is to not let them be your life. Be cognizant of the things that are going on the world and try to make the stuff you do in your regular life reflect your character, but don't let it paralyze you. Ever watch The Good Place? that's a show that's got a real good message overall about the human condition.
thanks; yeah i have kind of always catastrophized the future in my mind. The dumb part is there is nothing I can really do about any of it, on the big picture stuff. but the fact that some of it will effect us is frightening.

i need to exercise, eat right, work on my personal to-do lists, personal finances, job performance and overall well being. sure i'd feel a lot better for it and have a lot less time to worry about shit i can't change


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
Too much shit man haha

Overpopulation issues
Underpopulation issues
Nuclear war, other warfare for that matter
Manufactured pandemics
Not being able to cheat the emissions system with a tuned car anymore
Accidental pandemics due to factory farming issues
Supply chain collapses
Energy remoteness as oil and other resources decline
Weather pattern disruptions
Bank collapse, recession/Depressions
Audi not making manuals

I love the way there is a list of world/society ending things, and sandwiched in between everything is "I can't get a modified car past emissions" 🤣🤣


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
nice try PPNT
MK1 Tiguan
I guess what interests me the most about existential risks is contextual. 25 line dissertation:

Humans spent the last ~12000 years mostly hunting, foraging, and farming.
There was nothing we could really do to cause our own destruction.
We only had to worry about things like starving, bad weather, fires, certain animals, and other tribes coming to take our shit.
However we also only had so many ways to keep ourselves healthy; i.e., if someone got sick, broke a leg, etc, there was not much we could really do.
But all in all, our extent and reach was very limited.
Slowly we became able to solve many of our problems; providing stronger shelters, forging steel for things like tools and weapons that could be passed down, furniture, etc. We had yolked the animals and figured out how to use them for labor pretty effectively.
Then we discovered how to burn coal, and then oil. And things really picked up from there.
All of a sudden we could really get to solving issues, but since then, every issue we 'solve' increases complexity and interrelated dependencies.
Your eggs are no longer YOUR responsibility; i.e., go feed your chicken with crops you/your village grew and take his eggs.
Now, eggs are fully dependent not just on the farms, factories, complicated equipment, trucks, weather, water systems, roadways, electricity, gas, gasoline, and the very economy that demands it be so.
And if any one of these things goes away there goes the eggs.

Due to all of this increased complexity we really have introduced so many really tight binds.
Example, the only reason we haven't entered WWIII (officially) is due to the fact that all major powers have tons of nukes. Keeping these pointed at each other helps keep things peaceful somehow, but also of course increases the odds of severe retaliatory strikes if so.
Imagine if there were a terror attack, where a nuke randomly went off somewhere in the USA, then the entity tells the US Govt receives a message that there are 9 more ready to go off in random locations at the push of a button if 'X' doesn't happen.
Also, the more problems we try to solve, the more complex it gets, therefore the more we put toward trying to solve that; which is really akin to never having a perfect sandwich; you keep adding ham, mayonnaise, cheese, lettuce, over and over again until that sandwich simply falls over.
We've now put so much resources toward the internet of things, and amazon, and overnight shipping, but seriously, if air travel becomes expensive, if there is a huge data breach, if tariffs and trade becomes harder, it could go kaput!
In fact, I worry that we keep increasing our data security to keep free from hackers, but every time we do, the hackers find a way in. Where does this end, with some sort of end-all-be-all security solution, or the hackers always winning?
This is the cycle I see in almost everything. Trying to make the whole world drive electric cars only to find out we can no longer mine lithium and steel fast enough to keep up with demand, then having wasted not only all of those cars and infrastructure but all the fuel for extraction in the process, then reverting to a worse baseline.
Its just a race to the bottom across the board. People want to be the first to market in everything but to be the first to market means you curb all risks and do zero planning and mitigation.

Literally everything we are doing is completely unprecedented, and any number of things can turn into a catastrophic nightmare. I don't even watch the news; i assume they fill it with bad news just to keep people outraged and looking inward at the system as a whole.


Autocross Champion
nice try PPNT
MK1 Tiguan
Put another way, I think I heard someone put it something like this recently:

If all of human history was a 1000 page book, you would have 999 pages of pretty much nothing going on, then page 1000 is an absolute explosion of huge changes. It is then up to the reader to wonder what the hell would happen on page 1001.


Autocross Champion
I guess what interests me the most about existential risks is contextual. 25 line dissertation:

Humans spent the last ~12000 years mostly hunting, foraging, and farming.
There was nothing we could really do to cause our own destruction.
We only had to worry about things like starving, bad weather, fires, certain animals, and other tribes coming to take our shit.
However we also only had so many ways to keep ourselves healthy; i.e., if someone got sick, broke a leg, etc, there was not much we could really do.
But all in all, our extent and reach was very limited.
Slowly we became able to solve many of our problems; providing stronger shelters, forging steel for things like tools and weapons that could be passed down, furniture, etc. We had yolked the animals and figured out how to use them for labor pretty effectively.
Then we discovered how to burn coal, and then oil. And things really picked up from there.
All of a sudden we could really get to solving issues, but since then, every issue we 'solve' increases complexity and interrelated dependencies.
Your eggs are no longer YOUR responsibility; i.e., go feed your chicken with crops you/your village grew and take his eggs.
Now, eggs are fully dependent not just on the farms, factories, complicated equipment, trucks, weather, water systems, roadways, electricity, gas, gasoline, and the very economy that demands it be so.
And if any one of these things goes away there goes the eggs.

Due to all of this increased complexity we really have introduced so many really tight binds.
Example, the only reason we haven't entered WWIII (officially) is due to the fact that all major powers have tons of nukes. Keeping these pointed at each other helps keep things peaceful somehow, but also of course increases the odds of severe retaliatory strikes if so.
Imagine if there were a terror attack, where a nuke randomly went off somewhere in the USA, then the entity tells the US Govt receives a message that there are 9 more ready to go off in random locations at the push of a button if 'X' doesn't happen.
Also, the more problems we try to solve, the more complex it gets, therefore the more we put toward trying to solve that; which is really akin to never having a perfect sandwich; you keep adding ham, mayonnaise, cheese, lettuce, over and over again until that sandwich simply falls over.
We've now put so much resources toward the internet of things, and amazon, and overnight shipping, but seriously, if air travel becomes expensive, if there is a huge data breach, if tariffs and trade becomes harder, it could go kaput!
In fact, I worry that we keep increasing our data security to keep free from hackers, but every time we do, the hackers find a way in. Where does this end, with some sort of end-all-be-all security solution, or the hackers always winning?
This is the cycle I see in almost everything. Trying to make the whole world drive electric cars only to find out we can no longer mine lithium and steel fast enough to keep up with demand, then having wasted not only all of those cars and infrastructure but all the fuel for extraction in the process, then reverting to a worse baseline.
Its just a race to the bottom across the board. People want to be the first to market in everything but to be the first to market means you curb all risks and do zero planning and mitigation.

Literally everything we are doing is completely unprecedented, and any number of things can turn into a catastrophic nightmare. I don't even watch the news; i assume they fill it with bad news just to keep people outraged and looking inward at the system as a whole.

Where are the other 5 lines?


Autocross Champion
nice try PPNT
MK1 Tiguan
The crack pipe


Autocross Champion
Scooty Puff Jr
I think you're absolutely correct. Infighting keeps us pissed at each other, rather than pissed at the people who have the power and resources to divert us towards meaningful change, because they'd be slightly less comfortable for it. And sure, there are those among us who are serving up their fellow sheep to the wolves in the hopes of protection, but let's be honest; they're sheep too. The world's a fucking scary place, and there's all sorts of things that are gonna be big, big problems.

Think about it like the timing belt on a mk4. When it goes, it's gonna be a problem. So what do you do? You learn how to change a timing belt, you prepare by buying the stuff you need ahead of time to tackle it, and then try to be proactive. Or, maybe you squirrel away funds to pay someone else to do it, or make friends with car people who can help you. Metaphorically speaking, life is a lot like that. Even if you're not going to singlehandedly/directly be a part of the solution, you can still be a part of the solution. I work IT in a hospital. Am I out there saving lives? Fuuuuuuuuuck no, it's a miracle I don't just bleed out and die in day to day life because I can't be trusted with bandaids. But, I'm a part of the solution, in that I keep things up and running that enable the people who DO save lives to do what they need to do. So I'm doing something to try to be a part of the solution. And when I interact with people, I try not to be too much of a dick. I'll admit I like to rib a little and stir the pot, but ultimately I'm trying to be a positive impact on other people.

We're all just a link in a chain, and making somebody else's day a little better isn't a bad way to leave a legacy. And who knows, you might inspire somebody else to be cool to other people too, and that'll just ripple out.

This whole thing is kinda bumming me out. I'm gonna go home and hug my cat.

Strange Mud

Autocross Champion
Small Town CT
yeah yeah the Worlds ending.

I have my own problems. After being asked by the owner I've agreed to be filmed for a work video discussing our capabilities with automation and lights out production. I did make them say if I don't like it it's being erased. I really dislike public stuff and am already staring to freak out.


Autocross Champion
Scooty Puff Jr
yeah yeah the Worlds ending.

I have my own problems. After being asked by the owner I've agreed to be filmed for a work video discussing our capabilities with automation and lights out production. I did make them say if I don't like it it's being erased. I really dislike public stuff and am already staring to freak out.
Just imagine you're addressing the forum bros. Speak to the power of the bottle jack and the 2x4, it'll be fine


Autocross Champion
nice try PPNT
MK1 Tiguan
I love yo laugh and make others laugh. Thats my spice of life.