CSB: On 12/30, we went to Level99 with our daughter and some friends. Doing one of the rooms, I fell. And it was a lame ass fall. Onto a padded floor. Not the kind of fall that should hurt you. But somehow, I tweaked my shoulder. My good shoulder, not the one that had surgery last year. But we're coming up on almost a month later, and it still hurts, every day. And I'm dreading having to go through shoulder surgery again. Both the process, which absolutely sucked; the first month post surgery was probably the most miserable I've been that I can ever recall. Then just the lengthy recovery sucks ass. As well as the financial cost, even with insurance, I paid probably close to $5k out of pocket (ins. is $4k deductible, $8k out of pocket max) between all the exams leading up to surgery, the surgery, and physical therapy. Like my right shoulder still isn't even 100%. Day to day isn't impacted, but I can't sleep on it the way I used to, and every once in a while I do get a twang of pain or soreness. I just really don't want to have to go through all that again. But at the same time, I don't want to sit here with my shoulder hurting every single day for months again