CSB3: We Should Do A Track Day!


Autocross Champion
Austin, TX
2012 K04 GTI
Last thing this country needs is more religion

this is satire


What Would Glenn Danzig Do
Slightly Outside Chicago
Mk6 racecar, Tacoma

In the beginning, Glenn Danzig looked out upon the vast emptiness of the universe and, with a mighty growl, decided it was too quiet for his liking. So, he strummed a single, power-chord riff, and from the distortion sprang forth the Earth, formed from the raw energy of his dark, brooding soul. As he gazed upon his creation, he realized it needed a species that could appreciate the glory of skull tattoos and devil locks. Thus, he molded humanity from the clay of rock 'n' roll and whispered the first lyrics into their ears. "Walk among us," he proclaimed, as humans rose and instinctively began to mosh in reverence. Danzig was pleased, for his work was good—and loud.


Autocross Champion
Mableton, GA
2015 GTI
In the beginning, Glenn Danzig looked out upon the vast emptiness of the universe and, with a mighty growl, decided it was too quiet for his liking. So, he strummed a single, power-chord riff, and from the distortion sprang forth the Earth, formed from the raw energy of his dark, brooding soul. As he gazed upon his creation, he realized it needed a species that could appreciate the glory of skull tattoos and devil locks. Thus, he molded humanity from the clay of rock 'n' roll and whispered the first lyrics into their ears. "Walk among us," he proclaimed, as humans rose and instinctively began to mosh in reverence. Danzig was pleased, for his work was good—and loud.
This isn't actually too far off from Tolkien and Middle Earth.


Autocross Champion
Scooty Puff Jr
In the beginning, Glenn Danzig looked out upon the vast emptiness of the universe and, with a mighty growl, decided it was too quiet for his liking. So, he strummed a single, power-chord riff, and from the distortion sprang forth the Earth, formed from the raw energy of his dark, brooding soul. As he gazed upon his creation, he realized it needed a species that could appreciate the glory of skull tattoos and devil locks. Thus, he molded humanity from the clay of rock 'n' roll and whispered the first lyrics into their ears. "Walk among us," he proclaimed, as humans rose and instinctively began to mosh in reverence. Danzig was pleased, for his work was good—and loud.
I'm joining this religion


Autocross Champion
In the beginning, Glenn Danzig looked out upon the vast emptiness of the universe and, with a mighty growl, decided it was too quiet for his liking. So, he strummed a single, power-chord riff, and from the distortion sprang forth the Earth, formed from the raw energy of his dark, brooding soul. As he gazed upon his creation, he realized it needed a species that could appreciate the glory of skull tattoos and devil locks. Thus, he molded humanity from the clay of rock 'n' roll and whispered the first lyrics into their ears. "Walk among us," he proclaimed, as humans rose and instinctively began to mosh in reverence. Danzig was pleased, for his work was good—and loud.

In the beginning, Glenn Danzig descended from the clouds, clad in leather, his voice like thunder over the primordial sludge. And the people were confused, for they had never seen such a figure who walked in shadow but spoke in power chords.

And Danzig said, "Let there be rebellion." And there was rebellion, and it was good. The masses banged their heads and raised their fists, and thus was born the first mosh pit, in which the chosen ones would thrash without order or care.

Then Danzig, in his infinite wisdom, saw that the people needed guidance. And lo, he climbed upon the highest amp, looked out over the crowd, and proclaimed, "Thou shalt not worship false pop icons, nor wear the t-shirt of the band thou knowest not."

He gave unto them the Ten Commandments of Rock:

- Thou shalt turn it up to eleven.
- Thou shalt not forsake the vinyl for the digital download.
- Thou shalt honor the riff, for it is holy.
- Remember the Sabbath, and keep it heavy.
- Thou shalt not lip-sync.
- Thou shalt mosh responsibly.
- Thou shalt covet thine own guitar, but also appreciate thine neighbor's solo.
- Thou shalt scream, even when in doubt.
- Thou shalt wear black, for it pleases the dark lord.
- Thou shalt never forget that attitude is everything.

And so, with a power chord that split the heavens, Glenn Danzig created the first Church of Doom, where all were welcome, but only the worthy survived the encore.

And the people saw what Danzig had wrought, and they said, "Yeah, that's metal." And it was so.


Autocross Champion
Scooty Puff Jr
In the beginning, Glenn Danzig descended from the clouds, clad in leather, his voice like thunder over the primordial sludge. And the people were confused, for they had never seen such a figure who walked in shadow but spoke in power chords.

And Danzig said, "Let there be rebellion." And there was rebellion, and it was good. The masses banged their heads and raised their fists, and thus was born the first mosh pit, in which the chosen ones would thrash without order or care.

Then Danzig, in his infinite wisdom, saw that the people needed guidance. And lo, he climbed upon the highest amp, looked out over the crowd, and proclaimed, "Thou shalt not worship false pop icons, nor wear the t-shirt of the band thou knowest not."

He gave unto them the Ten Commandments of Rock:

- Thou shalt turn it up to eleven.
- Thou shalt not forsake the vinyl for the digital download.
- Thou shalt honor the riff, for it is holy.
- Remember the Sabbath, and keep it heavy.
- Thou shalt not lip-sync.
- Thou shalt mosh responsibly.
- Thou shalt covet thine own guitar, but also appreciate thine neighbor's solo.
- Thou shalt scream, even when in doubt.
- Thou shalt wear black, for it pleases the dark lord.
- Thou shalt never forget that attitude is everything.

And so, with a power chord that split the heavens, Glenn Danzig created the first Church of Doom, where all were welcome, but only the worthy survived the encore.

And the people saw what Danzig had wrought, and they said, "Yeah, that's metal." And it was so.
We really need to recognize the second coming though, Mick Gordon. Doom Eternal soundtrack in my ear at work has made for some entertaining situations


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
Scooty Puff Jr
the most annoying part about being into japanese music is the lack of vinyl for their pop acts.

EVERYTHING gets released on CD. its amazing how stagnant they are at times with things.
It's kinda funny to me how tech goes. We either want glorified wax cylinders (not hating) or FLAC digital, everything inbetween is worthless

I see the appeal of vinyl but don't have the money or space for it. Same thing with FLAC in a digital sense. So all my music is v0 MP3