CSB3: Acadia Posts Consecutively Demanding To Be Crowned Forums Most Annoying Member By Way Of Grammar Policing


Autocross Champion
13 GTI & 98 Prelude
“You know why it’s the American Dream? Because you have to be asleep to believe it!”
-George Carlin

The American dream is different for everyone.
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Autocross Champion
Not Fancy CT, USA
17 Golf SW 4mo
its extremely shitty bc e v e r y t h i n g in this country is designed around a married couple/long term relationship that when you're an adult and single everything is cripplingly difficult or near impossible.


Autocross Champion
Scooty Puff Jr
its extremely shitty bc e v e r y t h i n g in this country is designed around a married couple/long term relationship that when you're an adult and single everything is cripplingly difficult or near impossible.
Definitely agree that things are hard as a single adult, and then you have sources all over telling you that it's your fault OR that it's not your fault and you should blame the opposite sex. It's systemic, because unhappy people drive the economy buying shit to try to fill their lives. I kinda wanna get out my skateboard again and get back into it, because that's a thing that I can just enjoy for a while and play around with and not really need a whole lot extra.

I used to feel like everybody around me has their shit together and meanwhile I'm the only one just kind of trying to survive day to day and the only good things that happen to me are by accident, and while I still feel part of that I'm starting to realize that nobody's got a plan and we're all just kind of winging it through life, trying to prepare a little here and there as we can but largely we're just all improvising

at least id have a sweet third gen
listen here chip chum you don't want the things that third gen brings with it, it's like the hot girl with the syph -- it's gonna be a little fun for an evening but then the rest of your life it's just burning when you pee and slowly (and unpleasantly) losing your brain


Autocross Champion
i didn't move out of my dads till i was like 27. didn't get married till like 29. didnt get a house until i was 30. now look at me, all washed up and 350k in debt. Ive amounted to nothing.
Hey now you've got something to show for it.

You have the most financially ruinous audi parked in your garage!


Autocross Champion
ive become acutely aware they i have amounted to nothing at 33 and i am so far behnid everyone that i never will catch up lol

never had a long term relatonship, was told to not go to college, i live paycheck to paycheck, rent a room at my best friends house, etc.

i am for all intents and purposes, a failure in the american system.

First thing you gotta do, is stop comparing yourself to others. Everyone's story is different.

And for what it's worth, you're not a failure in the American system. The American system is failing you. And all of us.


Autocross Champion
United States
Turbo. Blue.
I got a buddy that's had some pretty unfortunate things happen to him. I feel like I worry more about his future than my own sometimes. He hasn't had a job since around our highschool days, about 19 probably. I think he had 1 side gig for a couple months pressure washing someones property, but after that was done that was the end of it. Now we're 34-35 and he has no job history. It's put him in a place where he can take care of his parents and he's had to deal with things I can't imagine. About 5-6 years ago his mom was diagnosed with ALS. She passed a few years ago after she made the decision herself that she couldn't do this anymore. I'm pretty sure my buddy assisted with all that. This all happened at their home, not in a nursing home or hospice or anything like that. Now his dad is about a year into alzheimer's and he's got to take care of his dad in a similar way he had to with his mom. He's got an older brother and sister, but they both have partners and kids, so it's mostly just my buddy taking care of him.

I don't know what he's gonna do in the future once his dad needs more care than he's capable of providing, or when he loses his dad and it's just him in that house. I'd probably offer to move in with him once things get there, but I wouldn't blame him at all if he wants to gtfo and move to Idaho where he's got some family. Maybe his brother or sister are gonna take him in, I dunno. This isn't something we really talk about. He's had to deal with so much terrible shit for so long I don't really bring this stuff up when I'm talking to him. I hate what he's had to go through and how there's a chance he'll have als or alzheimers himself.


Autocross Champion
Scooty Puff Jr
I got a buddy that's had some pretty unfortunate things happen to him. I feel like I worry more about his future than my own sometimes. He hasn't had a job since around our highschool days, about 19 probably. I think he had 1 side gig for a couple months pressure washing someones property, but after that was done that was the end of it. Now we're 34-35 and he has no job history. It's put him in a place where he can take care of his parents and he's had to deal with things I can't imagine. About 5-6 years ago his mom was diagnosed with ALS. She passed a few years ago after she made the decision herself that she couldn't do this anymore. I'm pretty sure my buddy assisted with all that. This all happened at their home, not in a nursing home or hospice or anything like that. Now his dad is about a year into alzheimer's and he's got to take care of his dad in a similar way he had to with his mom. He's got an older brother and sister, but they both have partners and kids, so it's mostly just my buddy taking care of him.

I don't know what he's gonna do in the future once his dad needs more care than he's capable of providing, or when he loses his dad and it's just him in that house. I'd probably offer to move in with him once things get there, but I wouldn't blame him at all if he wants to gtfo and move to Idaho where he's got some family. Maybe his brother or sister are gonna take him in, I dunno. This isn't something we really talk about. He's had to deal with so much terrible shit for so long I don't really bring this stuff up when I'm talking to him. I hate what he's had to go through and how there's a chance he'll have als or alzheimers himself.
That's hard, if I had to wager though I'd say that the best help you can offer for the time being is just being a vacation from things. Spending some meaningful time with friends/people that care about you can do wonders for the mind. Most notably doing something productive together, where there's an end result that you can look at and appreciate that your time was spent producing something of value.


Autocross Champion
Scooty Puff Jr
it's all just a highlight reel of people's lives, you don't see the things going on behind the scenes that haunt them at night.

I need to make some meaningful connections to people, and I feel like it's harder with the presence of social media and my desire to avoid it because I value my information


Autocross Champion
'17 Golf GTI (Sold)
I'm grateful I am not on drugs let alone homeless, living in the streets struggling day by day just to make a dollar.

Often times most of us wish we had more and could do more. Like, I use to think money was the root to happiness when in reality its good to have but doesn't define happiness.

Happiness is having a good time with family and close friends.

Happiness is having fun at the dog park w/ your puppy

Happiness is finally installing that one part on your car that you waited quite some time for.

Those are just examples obviously but the more we appreciate where we are now, the better our lives would be.