CSB3: Acadia Posts Consecutively Demanding To Be Crowned Forums Most Annoying Member By Way Of Grammar Policing


Autocross Champion
2018 Golf R
So you think only liberals are angry about CEO's killing their family members with greed?

The same people that screamed "death panels" literally support billionaires death panels. 🤷‍♂️
Never one said what political party. It's more of a group of people, sometimes from both or no political affiliations. I was just pointing out a corelation.


Go Kart Champion
'21 DIB GTI SE MK7.5
DC was a fun Bond- brought a lot more action to the franchise.

Liked both GO and KO, but don't go into em thinking that they will be anything like a Bond film- aside from investigation they are radically different. I grew up in a house of readers who destroyed murder mysteries and the like, so I'm a fan of that stuff.

sad part is that's left me trying to find books/movies where I don't figure out who "did it" in the first chapter/15-20 minutes of a movie... Really pisses off The Wife when I go "That looser did it" 15 minutes in and walk off ignoring the rest of the movie, and I'm right....


Autocross Champion
Boston, MA
2017 Golf GTI S
My engine does not sound very smooth warming up and idling in the cold weather, but it's ok because I've already resolved to build the shit out of it if the engine kaputs. It just involves driving my girlfriend's Altima for a while.


Autocross Champion
Not Fancy CT, USA
17 Golf SW 4mo
My engine does not sound very smooth warming up and idling in the cold weather, but it's ok because I've already resolved to build the shit out of it if the engine kaputs. It just involves driving my girlfriend's Altima for a while.
yeah but you get to be a missile for a few months so thats a solid tradeoff.


Autocross Champion
Mableton, GA
2015 GTI
My engine does not sound very smooth warming up and idling in the cold weather, but it's ok because I've already resolved to build the shit out of it if the engine kaputs. It just involves driving my girlfriend's Altima for a while.
Yeah, I noticed this the other day. Since it's literally like 9 months between cold spells like this, I usually forget about it completely. At first, I thought something was wrong, but once it was up to like 130° oil temp, everything was sounding normal again. It did sound like pistons and shit were just slapping around in there haha.


Autocross Champion
Never one said what political party. It's more of a group of people, sometimes from both or no political affiliations. I was just pointing out a corelation.
It seems the majority of people are showing little or no sympathy for the CEO of one of the worst health insurance companies in the country, so I don't see the correlation.

If criminals are going to start killing off corrupt rich people, I'll gladly change my stance on universal background checks. 🤷‍♂️

Seems a few are at least trying. You had two attempts on Trump and now this dude. You support this right? Isn't the 2A to prevent tyranny?


Autocross Champion
nice try PPNT
MK1 Tiguan
My engine does not sound very smooth warming up and idling in the cold weather, but it's ok because I've already resolved to build the shit out of it if the engine kaputs. It just involves driving my girlfriend's Altima for a while.
Pineapple... Altima... it's all starting to make sense now


Autocross Champion
nice try PPNT
MK1 Tiguan
It seems the majority of people are showing little or no sympathy for the CEO of one of the worst health insurance companies in the country, so I don't see the correlation.

If criminals are going to start killing off corrupt rich people, I'll gladly change my stance on universal background checks. 🤷‍♂️

Seems a few are at least trying. You had two attempts on Trump and now this dude. You support this right? Isn't the 2A to prevent tyranny?
Layman opinion here, which is very subject to correction -

This guy, being a billionaire CEO of this corporation, became so by accelerating the death of millions of people via not paying their valid health insurance claims due to minor fine print clauses. correct?

Of course, his actions also aided in, presumably, a large margin more of accepted claims. So i guess it would take a careful analysis of the amount of paid for health coverages vs not paid for, and which of the not paid for were valid claims.

but thats the way she goes; you could build 100 bridges, but if you suck one dick, youre a dicksucker
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Autocross Champion
Layman opinion here, which is very subject to correction -

This guy, being a billionaire CEO of this corporation, became so by accelerating the death of millions of people via not paying their valid health insurance claims due to minor fine print clauses. correct?

Of course, his actions also aided in, presumably, a large margin more of accepted claims. So i guess it would take a careful analysis of the amount of paid for health coverages vs not paid for, and which of the not paid for were valid claims.

but thats the way she goes; you could build 100 bridges, but if you suck one dick, youre a dicksucker
How about for profit health insurance is morally bankrupt and we should be fully supportive of an educated and healthy populace.

Dr visits wouldn’t be so expensive if we didn’t have so many corrupt hands in the cookie jar.