CSB3: Acadia Posts Consecutively Demanding To Be Crowned Forums Most Annoying Member By Way Of Grammar Policing


Autocross Champion
NJ, one of the nice parts.
2017 GTI Sport


Autocross Champion
Ebay ad just below the rickybux post...appears to be for autographs. And they said my search history would mark me

View attachment 298815

Open your phones settings, and search for "DNS". If your phones settings doesn't have a search, it's usually under the "Network & Internet" section. You want to look for "Private DNS". Usually, you'll have settings like Off, Automatic, or Custom. Choose the option to enter a custom DNS, and put in "".

That will block most web based ads, regardless of what browser you're using on your phone.


Autocross Champion
Who said she lives in poverty? She gets paid for her work. Nobody's forcing her to keep that job, she can always find work that is higher in demand and thus more valuable. The beauty of this country is you can be whatever you want (an astronaut, a neurosurgeon, a teacher, a mechanic, whatever). Sure, some of these are harder to attain than others but not impossible.

The argument I'm making is to encourage this growth mindset, the "bust your ass and earn your way out of poverty" mentality.

"time limit on benefits" based, I like that
You don't think the cafeteria lady lives in poverty? Half of working Americans live near or below poverty level, one medical emergency away from bankruptcy.

This may surprise you, because you're still young and live with your parents, but there are people busting there asses of working two jobs living in poverty.


Autocross Champion
FL lot chase you down for a small amount, but I know a few multi-national financial corporation's that were in the press as the tax lot refused their money stating "you've already paid enough"...even though what they were paying they legitimately owed the tax man...

I don't mind certain tax beaks to help companies invest, but when the companies end being solely about making money only for the shareholders at the expense of the company doing its job 100% then I really hate it!!...

All of what were public owned utilities companies were sold off in the 80's 90's over here...& basically privatised....& they didn't make the investments they should have done in the infrastructure..& thats biting them on the ass right now..."we don't have the money".....yeah but you gave it all to the shareholders...

Much like the Horizon IT scandal........the Post Office & Fujitsu knew the software was FUBAR, & yet the purposely hounded people who complained, forced them to pay the "debts" themselves & anybody that publicly said the software was faulty they took to court & sued to protect the Post Office "image"....Fecking trumpism
Stock buy backs should be illegal.


Autocross Champion
Austin, TX
2012 K04 GTI
You don't think the cafeteria lady lives in poverty? Half of working Americans live near or below poverty level, one medical emergency away from bankruptcy.

This may surprise you, because you're still young and live with your parents, but there are people busting there asses of working two jobs living in poverty.
What's to say they won't make it out?

Besides, what's your solution to this? Intervene and give them money? Why?


Autocross Champion
What's to say they won't make it out?

Besides, what's your solution to this? Intervene and give them money? Why?
So anyone that doesn't make it out of a low wage job, literally most of the population, deserve to live in poverty?

I already gave my solution. Everyone that works full time should earn a enough to afford shelter, Healthcare, transportation, and education. Paying people enough money to live isn't giving them money. You're thinking about passive income, corporate welfare and welfare. People working is the opposite of giving them money.

The difference is you think they don't deserve to earn above poverty wages, because that janitor isn't hussling enough. I believe it's a needed job and he shouldn't live in poverty just so we can have billionaire trying to play spaceman.


Virginia, USA
So you "told on the teacher" in a sense... and got that person fired over a harmless (based imo) email?
I probably woulda just asked if the person could change their email... probably cooler than getting them fired... then again I'm a bit biased since I'd probably be someone to do dumb shit in a work environment... I also am not a fan of tattletales.
If you're working on a government contract, then you're expected to act like an adult. That email address puts your loyalty to the US into question and anybody who does that is a dumb fuck. Let's hope that person never looks for a job that requires a security clearance - or maybe, let's hope he does. We'll hear the laughter all the way to this forum.


Autocross Champion
nice try PPNT
MK1 Tiguan
My question is - if we taxed the rich a much more serious amount, would it make a difference, escpecially for the average tax payers? 95% of us make normal wages and pay normal taxes, which is some of the ~150m out of 160m tax paying americans (ecluding my wild guess at amount of children, elderly, non working etc) Would taxing the last few million really make a bug difference? Not arguing against it, its just a question ive always had.

Having kids is a personal choice and i suppose i agree its not really the states or anyone elses problem. Kids dont even pay taxes lol. But as we have seen with japan, not having kids kills economies too. The only way this system 'works' which is going to fail one day anyway is with constant growth


Autocross Champion
Austin, TX
2012 K04 GTI
So anyone that doesn't make it out of a low wage job, literally most of the population, deserve to live in poverty?

I already gave my solution. Everyone that works full time should earn a enough to afford shelter, Healthcare, transportation, and education. Paying people enough money to live isn't giving them money. You're thinking about passive income, corporate welfare and welfare. People working is the opposite of giving them money.

The difference is you think they don't deserve to earn above poverty wages, because that janitor isn't hussling enough. I believe it's a needed job and he shouldn't live in poverty just so we can have billionaire trying to play spaceman.
I believe that the market is the one to decide which jobs pay higher... supply, demand, skill requirement. Why should the janitor get bumped up to and paid as much as a plumber, when the plumber had to go to trade school and who's job that has a higher skill requirement? Why do you think brain surgeons get paid so damn much? Low supply. (Although I think now they're actually out of jobs because of tech layoffs)

Your point is ridiculous because you want to play the intervention hand and make the employer pay them more for something that arguably isn't worth more. Personally I think we should focus on making it possible for everyone to make it out of a low wage job, which is an issue (equality of opportunity - i.e. getting an education). Hell, you could even play the "cost of living is too high for a lot of people that work full time" card, which would actually make sense.

"so we can have billionaire trying to play spaceman" Musk right? He earned the money to do so, and he's created more jobs and encouraged more innovation than most people on this earth. Everyone loves to paint this guy like some kind of villain. I do think teslas are shite and there are lots of fundamental errors in that industry, but you can't deny that he didn't earn his way to the upper class.


Autocross Champion
I believe that the market is the one to decide which jobs pay higher... supply, demand, skill requirement. Why should the janitor get bumped up to and paid as much as a plumber, when the plumber had to go to trade school and who's job that has a higher skill requirement? Why do you think brain surgeons get paid so damn much? Low supply. (Although I think now they're actually out of jobs because of tech layoffs)

Your point is ridiculous because you want to play the intervention hand and make the employer pay them more for something that arguably isn't worth more. Personally I think we should focus on making it possible for everyone to make it out of a low wage job, which is an issue (equality of opportunity - i.e. getting an education). Hell, you could even play the "cost of living is too high for a lot of people that work full time" card, which would actually make sense.

"so we can have billionaire trying to play spaceman" Musk right? He earned the money to do so, and he's created more jobs and encouraged more innovation than most people on this earth. Everyone loves to paint this guy like some kind of villain. I do think teslas are shite and there are lots of fundamental errors in that industry, but you can't deny that he didn't earn his way to the upper class.
Elitist attitudes like this is what's collapsed many societies.

And we don't have free market, so not sure what your point is.

Musk is literally getting rich off of government funding and subsidies.

You're only in favor of social Darwinism, because you started near the top and expect to stay there, in your mind, because you work hard. Statistically, you'll drop a quintile compared to your parents. It's crazy that you act like teachers don't work hard, janitors don't work hard, farm workers don't work hard, but we're to believe Elon is the one working hard and we should emulate him and be ok with him paying single digit percentages in taxes? It's odd that you think those doing the actual work that make billionaires wealthy isn't important enough to live above poverty level. You're attitude is a clear historical sign of a society in decline.

The reality is, this is a cycle that repeats itself throughout history and the game monopoly tried to teach you. The wealthy gain all the properties and control and the game ends. In history, the winner doesn't walk away feeling good about winning, what happens is, the other player flip the board over and kill the winner. What happens next is a crap shoot and sometimes if works out for the better, French and American revolutions, other times not so good, think Russia, Cuba and China.
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