Class action lawsuit letter (Waterpump)


Autocross Champion
San Diego
I was apr stage 2 when mine went out, I asked if that would be an issue and the answer was no. The owner is a client of mine though, so there's always a chance I'm getting slightly 'special' treatment.


Go Kart Newbie
2017 Golf R DSG
there's always a chance I'm getting slightly 'special' treatment.
My understanding is that some warranty work requires a scan (which leads to TD1 flagging) in order for the dealer to get paid by VWoA, and other work doesn't. If true, the dealer has absolutely no say in the matter so there is no special treatment unless they want to totally eat the bill.

Looking forward to hearing back from cb1111 about whether this requires a scan. And if it does require a scan, does it require a DTC or certain measurement values, too?

If that all comes back as a clear "no" then I might as well just have the dealer do it after June 10, instead of finding a non-dealer to do it prior and then deal with this stupid claim form. I say "stupid" because what in the world is up with the requirement to include proof of coolant maintenance when we have "lifetime" coolant?!


Drag Racing Champion
Manchester Township, New Jersey
15 GTI
Theres no reason not to have a water pump replaced under warranty, regardless of being tuned or stock.

There’s no scan required to diagnosis a leaking WP, thus it’s a non issue.

I personally haven’t had any water pump issues on my GTI (120,000 miles, owned since new) or my GLI (21,000 miles & owned since new), but I do know of dozens who’ve had the warranty work performed no questions asked on modded cars.

Idk what you guys think you’re saving by not having them fix this common issue for free, but TD1 would only apply to something like throwing a rod or melting a piston…your stage whatever tune doesn’t mean you can’t have them warranty interior rattles, crack sun roof, leaking water pump or anything else that has absolutely nothing to do with the tune.
Yes. Modifications only void warranty for the system modified. Coilovers wont void engine warranty, tuning isnt gonna void the warranty on cooling system components. Or should i say it shouldnt.


Go Kart Newbie
2017 Golf R DSG
Sorry, didn't mean to derail this into a whole MMWA discussion. We all know that when a mod and a failure have nothing to do with each other, claims aren't affected. I just legit thought more power = more heat = more cooling = more water pump failure (at least theoretically -- in the eyes of claim adjusters). My bad!!!


Virginia, USA
Sorry, didn't mean to derail this into a whole MMWA discussion. We all know that when a mod and a failure have nothing to do with each other, claims aren't affected. I just legit thought more power = more heat = more cooling = more water pump failure (at least theoretically -- in the eyes of claim adjusters). My bad!!!
You actually raise a good point (and no, the MMWA doesn't apply to modded parts) - does "tuning" increase the likelihood of water pump failure?

Before you all get bent out of shape - we know that waterpump failures are common (else we wouldn't have this service action) but can tuning affect the failure rate? And, if so, will that affect VWs actions?

Monday is a holiday, so I won't know anything until later in the week.


Autocross Newbie
Central NJ
You actually raise a good point (and no, the MMWA doesn't apply to modded parts) - does "tuning" increase the likelihood of water pump failure?

Before you all get bent out of shape - we know that waterpump failures are common (else we wouldn't have this service action) but can tuning affect the failure rate? And, if so, will that affect VWs actions?

Monday is a holiday, so I won't know anything until later in the week.
I can certainly see the argument from VW's side that tuning does affect the load on cooling.
"The part's not designed for that."


Drag Racing Champion
Manchester Township, New Jersey
15 GTI
You actually raise a good point (and no, the MMWA doesn't apply to modded parts) - does "tuning" increase the likelihood of water pump failure?

Before you all get bent out of shape - we know that waterpump failures are common (else we wouldn't have this service action) but can tuning affect the failure rate? And, if so, will that affect VWs actions?

Monday is a holiday, so I won't know anything until later in the week.

But yearforbes does make a good point. Tuning produces more heat, heat effects the water pump.

But aren't they failing because of oil leaks? Or do the housings warp?

Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
Well, I ordered the parts and had my local shop do it. Any info on the letter of who to contact for reimbursement? This is ammo money now.


Autocross Champion
So according to page 2, if I order a new water pump (rather install myself tbh) before June 10 I can get reimbursed? Brother has a 2017 Golf Sportwagon as well, gotta also check if he is covered.

Edit: Website is broke? I just get this weird login page


Go Kart Champion
Black hole sun
15 GTI, 22 Tiguan
My GTI is 7 yrs old and at roughly 40k miles, I added coolant probably every 10-12k miles. Dealer pressure tested system in the past and couldn’t find a leak, visually I can’t see anything but I do smell it after shutting off the engine…guess on my next service I’ll talk to the advisor and see if they’ll be willing to do warranty work before it turn 8 yrs..


Autocross Champion
This is a proposed class action folks....not a VW letter.


Autocross Champion
Dealer pressure tested system in the past and couldn’t find a leak
This is very common, the leak occurs at operating temperatures while the vehicle is being driven. The dealer knows it will pass a pressure test and are using this bullshit to avoid the work.


I do smell it after shutting off the engine
It will eventually fail. You should look down into your engine and see if you can see coolant gathering on the rock-guard on the bottom. I think my thermostat finally got stuck open and it caused my car to run below temp because it wasn't regulating itself. Finally got the full CEL with limited RPM.

I’ll talk to the advisor and see if they’ll be willing to do warranty work before it turn 8 yrs..
Best thing you can do is get under the car, or have someone put it on a lift. If you can smell it, it's leaking. You should be able to find the trail of coolant somewhere. Take photos of it and request the warranty work. If they refuse it, demand they submit the case to VWoA.

Here's some photos of MK7s with a leaking thermostat.
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Autocross Champion
Well mine started leaking at 81k and replaced at 97k. 🙁


Autocross Champion
Noted. It looks like there are actually 2 completely separate ways to go about this:
  1. Work done on or after June 10, 2022: it will be considered warranty work. Section 1 of the letter covers this. Section 1 is where the "alteration or modification" clause is located, presenting an issue for tuned cars. It specifically entitles us to work by an authorized dealer only.
  2. Work done prior to June 10, 2022: it will be a reimbursement for non-warranty work. Section 2 of the letter covers this. Section 2 says nothing about "alteration or modification" voiding the claim for reimbursement. The letter specifically says non-dealer work is covered (up to a max of $1150) as well as dealer work.
Looks like I'm headed to a euro shop in the next 13 days!
A tune isn't considered an alteration to the water pump. I just had the aux pump replaced under warranty with a tune.

Dealer said it wasn't covered due to tune without submitting to VWoA. I explained my warranty isn't with the dealer, it's VWoA and to submit the claim. VWOA approved it on the spot, no questions, as long as I hadn't modified the cooling system.