I may have asked before, is so, apologies. 2016 GTI w/34k mikes, never had to put in coolant, but I do smell it after those long drives and pulling into the garage many times.
My concern/question is if I have the remediation work performed and if it has coverage of a percentage according to schedule, what is the expectation that it won't continue to occur?
My end game plan from day one was to buy the car and keep it forever as a last of the 2-doors, desirable configuration, etc., and that may still hold trure as each day I get older like the car.
But.....research has shown me that water pump version A, then B, then C, and D, and so forth keep being made and many persons on these forums have had multiple replacements done with some having continued failure.
Has not the aftermarket mad a decent replacement that deals with the inadequacies of the OEM manufactured products? Seems like such a waste to have it done and have to worry that the part being replaced is no better than the original one used when the car was manufactured, even with each revision of water pump and thermostat housing made afterwards. Also, curious to know if anyone knows what each revision changed or made different to be considered a new rev #?
I know that this referred to post is for an older VW, but 5 water pumps and still?
And then you gotta worry if the mechanic doing the job is competent.
Oh, the worries.