Kind of sounds like my local VW dealer here. The service dept is a bunch yahoo's that only care about makin big numbers so that the manager can flex around in his Carrera. The Sales dept though I know all of them, as I have bought numerous cars from them. Anyway, they know my car is heavily modified, and I have told them to submit claims for, and VW approved for:My car is tuned and dealer tried to deny my aux water pump. I told them my warranty wasn't with them, it's with VW and to submit the claim.
VW approved in less than 5 min.
Dealers are sleazy make more when you have to pay vice the rate VW pays them.
new axles
new haldex controller
They pitched a fit the first time, for the battery, saying some stupid shit like the battery isnt designed for those modifications, just go to AutoZone or something and get a battery there. I told them submit the claim anyway and VW approved it. Then to show their dislike for my actions, they made me wait for a week for them to put the battery in. Saying something about them being booked out because only dealer in the area, blah blah. I told them no worries, I will be sure the survey reflects equally to the treatment I received. I did the survey and not long after that, I was in for an oil change, and I noticed a new service advisors staff. I'll call that a win.