Are you jumping right to stage 2 or a progression? For stage 1 manual you'll want a clutch and maybe intercooler. Stage 2 is when you really should get an intercooler, downpipe, plugs, and just general maintenance things. Intake isn't really needed on this platform, it's more for show but helps a smidge but has a very high cost to performance ratio.Wheels are holding up great so far.. We’re just getting bad weather so I’ll have to check back in after winter is over. I plan on keeping the car until it’s last mile. I eventually want to end up at a full stage 2. Definitely will be getting new spark plugs, clutch, intake, intercooler, downpipe. Any suggestions on what do to first or what I need? Like I said, I’m really new to this and any information would help. I couldn’t really find a list of what mods should be done in a chronological order, so if anyone can put a quick list together, that would be dope too!
Im currently stage 2 and getting by without an intercooler but it's been cold enough back home and Detroit to where it's not needed yet