Track Day Spec pads initial review:
TDS pads were PHENOMENAL today on the canyon runs. I bedded them in late last night, then drove with them this morning.
So far I would compare them to a factory BMW M pad, or perhaps the Brembo pads that come on the Camaro SS1LE and ZL1 that are designed for street and beginner track duty…the ones with 20 pistons all around?
Dusty, quiet 98% of the time, soft and forgiving. They’re super easy to modulate, and have incredible GRAB on reserve, at all times, when you go beyond 25% brake pedal input.
They’re not an ultra grabby pad until you put some heat onto them. Effectively dual personalities of pad, if you will. Not slamming your passengers into the dash and headrests unless it’s intentional.
Below ~20-25% input, they feel like a stock VW pad (not a bad thing on this car) when you’re just putzing around in traffic. Progressive brake response based on pedal input.
On the fast (triple digit speeds) canyon and backroad runs this morning, this was the first time I’ve EVER had full confidence in the brakes on one of my cars to truly reign me back to safe speeds within 1-2 seconds of brake pedal dispatch.
Normally I’m braking early based on fear, not knowing my “true brake zones” a lot of the time on the backroads and canyons.
This renewed confidence carried over on the highway trip home:
Clueless Texas drivers and transplants being s**t heads and causing near accidents every 100-500’ of travel. I knew my brakes would stop the car in record time, and I’d be good so long as no one behind me was following too closely.
Not a true track day review (yet!), but these are very promising initially.
They’re actually the true pad behavior I was wanting and expecting from the HPS 5.0 pads I purchased last year.
And worth a mention: these actually fit the caliper brackets better and tighter than the Hawks.
For context, this is the… Fourth set of brake pads I purchased for this car: not because I burn through them, but because there are very specific characteristics I’m looking for in pads and brake feel.
Anyway, here are some fun pics showing the ride heights from the 034 S3 springs, and the coal miner brake dust from the “save-a-goat” performance brakes from PSB.
Let me know if you guys have any questions.
First pics are the car cleaned and prepped.
Last pics show the brake dust if you zoom in. It rinsed off super easily with a hose and water.
I think cleaning and coating the wheels with OptiCoat or a sealant would make this even easier to manage.
I’ll deal with brake dust if it means having this type of Brembo-esque stopping power on hand!