Any thoughts to the new 240 treadwear Cup 2's?
I just got more info on this...
I do about 12K street miles and 10 track days per year. I use and love the "old" Cup 2's for street and track . Very pricey, but they are pretty much the perfect street/track combo for my needs. Great grip, excellent feedback, good wet weather grip on street (I don't run HPDE in rain) and OK durability. I spoke to TireRack and had 2 discussions with Michelin (their customer service was excellent by the way) and got this info:
*The lower treadwear Cup 2's are being discontinued. Once stock is gone it is 240 Cup2 Connects only.
*The "Connect" package is an additional box/sensors/software package that supposedly allows you to tune in your pressures precisely to the track and day you are driving. TBD in my opinion. I think it is not worth the additional $500 cost for HPDE, but that is just me.
* You do NOT need to buy or use any of the sensors to use the Connect 2's. The new tires simply have an added pocket on the inside to fit the sensors if you choose to use them.
* Cost is very similar bewteen Cup2 and Cup2 Connect
*TireRack said Connect grip is equal or better than Cup2 with expected better treadware. Michelin says they are faster than Cup2 with expected better treadware. Again, this is TBD on track.
I still have 2-3 days left on my old Cup 2's for this season. Once they are toast my personal plan is to give the Yok A052's a shot (~4 track days, hopefully 5, I'm guessing) and then try the Connects without the added hardware/software. After that I'll settle on one of the two.