OK, let me try to answer a few questions ... i am 40 years old, yea i do look young, alot of people cant believe im 40, 23 years photography since i started studying in high school ( about 15 shooting as a professional ) my website is here
Did someone want to see 1 of the original shots? because these are HDR blends in photomatix, like i said this is my first time trying it and there are quite a few different combinations i tried and it comes up totally different each time, as far as the motion blur ... everything outside the car is actual motion blur as the images are 4, 5 and 6 second exposures ( 4 seconds without flash underexposed, 5 seconds properly exposed with flash and 6 seconds overexposed with flash ) every photo is tripod mounted, flash was put just in front of the center console and i used a multi-max i had in my right hand to pop the flash ( which had a multi-max transciever ) during the exposure ( 2 or 3 pops to create the overexposure on the 6 second exposure ) remote cord i strung under my right arm to start each exposure ( also with my right hand ... so process went like this.
Start the 4 second exposure witht he remote cord (no flash) .. change the remote cord to 5 seconds... pop the flash in the middle of that exposure... change the remote cord to 6 seconds... pop the flash 2 or 3 times to get the overexposure ...i made several runs up and down the strip to get enough shots, then came home and started blending in photomatix. here is another blend of 3