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  1. xGaspy

    The ULTIMATE Workout Thread

    I accompllished my goal yesterday! 4 miles in under 30 minutes! I felt like a hungry wolf, I saw the goal in sight and just hammered down, no feelings, no pain. It felt awesome to push so hard and accomplish something in only 2 weeks. Starting to see some positive changes with my body and I...
  2. xGaspy

    Bike Thief Gets Owned

    hahah this is so awesome.
  3. xGaspy

    The ULTIMATE Workout Thread

    I actually like the Orange Mango a lot...I'm not crazy about the Fruit Punch and the Orange Raspberry flavor in the Bullet Proof is just gross. But who cares, it all does it's job so I can take 16oz of nasty taste to get results. Gym completely kicked my ass yesterday, just didn't have the...
  4. xGaspy

    The ULTIMATE Workout Thread

    KurtP you're a monster! Killing it man. Had a good day yesterday, was dreading going to the gym. But once I got there it was time to do work and I had a good time. I got to 3.67 miles in 30 minutes on my run, so big improvements already and lotsa lotsa sweat. Feels AWESOME. Worked Bi's and...
  5. xGaspy

    Here comes Mothra

    mot-er-ah! mot-er-rah! mot-er-rah! those little twins and their crazy songs.
  6. xGaspy

    The ULTIMATE Workout Thread

    How often do you do the FST-7?
  7. xGaspy

    The ULTIMATE Workout Thread

    Yup, you absolutely need to rest. Otherwise you'll just end up damaging yourself. You're human remember, not a robot. Beat the body down and heal it back up. Repeat.
  8. xGaspy

    The ULTIMATE Workout Thread

    Yesterday was probably the most fun day I've had at the gym so far. I ran a quarter mile farther in the same amount of time as last week! 3.25 miles in 30 min, which feels pretty awesome even thought I know it's slow. Elliptical ftw! Then we hit the weights, 3 exercises each of Chest/Back. 4...
  9. xGaspy

    The ULTIMATE Workout Thread

    Day 3 success & end of the week. Completed all planned exercises, worked each muscle group through the 3 days since we started late in the week and completed all the goals we set for this week. Consistently ran 3+ miles in 30 minutes each day and completed 4 sets of 10 of 2 exercises for each...
  10. xGaspy

    The ULTIMATE Workout Thread

    Come to Virginia, I get unlimited guests! ;) :laugh:
  11. xGaspy

    The ULTIMATE Workout Thread

    Good job Gun, keep it up man! I'm mixing up my Assault now and about to head out for 3 miles and Shoulders/Legs Day! :happyanim:
  12. xGaspy

    your other hobbies besides the car

    I'm a 40k nerd as well! For Russ! For the Wolftime! Other hobbies: Horror Movies XBOX 360 Glocks Star Wars and my newest is Fitness/Strength Conditioning
  13. xGaspy

    The ULTIMATE Workout Thread

    ditto. :drool:
  14. xGaspy

    The ULTIMATE Workout Thread

    My fruit allergy has always confused me.. I can have all citrus fruits with no issues, so I try and eat a lot of them. But everything else messes me up bad in the throat swelling department. Most especially anything from the melon family, apples, SOMEtimes bananas, etc. But the weirdest thing...
  15. xGaspy

    The ULTIMATE Workout Thread

    ^ Sounds delicious, sans the cottage cheese (I wish so bad I could learn to like it) and the fruit (because I'm allergic, fml) Have you had the Orange Mango Assault yet? It's so good, so good in fact that it's actually a pleasure to drink, like you're cheating and drinking something whoa not...
  16. xGaspy

    The ULTIMATE Workout Thread

    1 scoop per 14oz of water.
  17. xGaspy

    8000 photobucket photos leaked

    I still have them...better play your cards right! :lol:
  18. xGaspy

    The ULTIMATE Workout Thread

    Gym kicked my ass yesterday. The first 10 minutes of running I was like ughhh but then something kicked it and I smashed it! 3.15 miles in 30 minutes for day #2. Feels good. Sweat was pouring off, such a good feeling. Then it was Biceps/Triceps and then 1/2 way through biceps I was interuppted...
  19. xGaspy

    The ULTIMATE Workout Thread

    :thumbsup: Heard that. I'm not in any rush, since I wanna do this the right way. I was just curious if there was a method I didn't know of, just making sure I'm taking the right steps in the right direction. The MyFitnessPal app is a lifesaver and so easy to use. It's really the perfect...
  20. xGaspy

    The ULTIMATE Workout Thread

    Yes! Very much so. It actually really means a lot. Ok, sounds good fellas, I will concentrate on getting to my goal weight first then work on the bulk/cut cycles to get "big". My big isn't gorilla massive or out of perportioned huge, but more like barrel chested, big obviously strong arms...