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  1. 2013R

    Helix Soundbox Upgrade Information Post!

    correct... the Helix makes the mids and highs sound like crap. and overdrives them. Thats why i removed my Helix a few months after installing it.
  2. 2013R

    Painting Exhaust tips successfully

    yes.. i did satin under, with 2k clear coat gloss on top.. and no, it hasnt melted off yet..
  3. 2013R

    May have found the replacement for starting vibration reduction on the MK7.5

    yes.. the software settings wont do crap for real wheel hop.. i hate vibrations.. but i still run the full dog bone insert.. cuz my 350hp is useless without it in there... very rare that i hop now, maybe once in a while in the pouring rain under full throttle. otherwise, it just spins and is...
  4. 2013R

    stealth exhaust with downpipe?

    I have had the perfect tone ever since i went back to the oem resonator. you can hear it in one of my last 5 videos when i had a drive. my setup front to back: Ultimate Racing downpipe with ceramic cat. Stock catback. (2018 with the 2.5" pipe) (Black painted stock tips on muffler also). Now...
  5. 2013R

    MK7.5 Rear Valance Removal

    i am painting my side moldings right now. black gloss and 2kmaxx clear coat.
  6. 2013R

    MK7.5 Rear Valance Removal

    i trimmed my rear splash guards and then took them off. not a tight enough fit.
  7. 2013R

    MK7.5 Rear Valance Removal

    yes those are the 3 parts i bought. keep in mind, if you have splash guards or mud flaps, they wont fit with this TCR valance unless you trim the splash guards
  8. 2013R


    and that size does not make your speedo "5% off".... more like less than 2%.
  9. 2013R


    old post.. but I am also getting that weird tire size today. on secret wheels which will be announced on my channel. I hope to find a good setting of impulse multiplier in vagcom to make my speedo a bit closer.. but if not, aw well..
  10. 2013R

    Different or same bumpers between GTI and R?

    but lets say a 2018 GTI owner had a 2018 Golf R exhaust in hand. supposing he was going to hack at the muffler, weld to the GTI pipe, etc etc... even though the Golf R rear bumper is wider, would it still bolt up to a GTI? or would the rear bumper not match the GTI hindquarters at all?
  11. 2013R

    Found the cheapest Helix Subwoofer 000051419B currently

    nice, pretty low. tempted, but i already had this mod previously.
  12. 2013R

    Failed Thermostat Housing/Coolant Loss Info Gathering

    That coolant smell is really starting to get to me.. Always driving on edge waiting to get stranded..
  13. 2013R

    Different leather material between years?

    i did the Tesa tape fix last night, it cured the squeak instantly. i have a video on it.
  14. 2013R

    MK7.5 Rear Valance Removal

    i used my stock GTI ones, which worked fine.. except for the empty triangle.
  15. 2013R

    MK7.5 Rear Valance Removal

    Ya thanks, I ordered them yesterday. The empty triangle sucks
  16. 2013R

    Painting side skirts

    the texture prevents runs, more to grip on. but you are right, it does look weird when it catches the sun in certain angles with the deep gloss. i did 3 coats of black gloss "paint for plastic" and then 2 coats of clear gloss on top. If i did it again i would prob skip the clear, as it put the...
  17. 2013R

    Painting side skirts

    one of my recent videos did the gloss black side skirt paint job.
  18. 2013R

    MK7.5 Rear Valance Removal

    omg, thank you bro... i was about to buy the trim thinking that was the piece i needed. you saved me a lot of money. ill buy the retainers instead.
  19. 2013R

    MK7.5 Rear Valance Removal

    Does anyone know which of the extra parts you can get for the TCR spoiler seal those 2 open triangles on each side?