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    What did you do to your mk7 today?

    Wheels* Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
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    E85+91 Octane = 93 octane

    For those of you that do not have access to 93 octane, have you tried doing a 30/70 mix to increase the octane to 93? Does anybody know if this is safe? A lot of BMW guys do this with their Cobb AP.
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    Autobahn Leather Seat Quality

    I've had my 15 GTI for about a month now, it's only got 1800 miles. I am wondering if anyone else has had issues with their leather seats doing this. I know this isn't a $100k car, but the quality of the seats is lacking. Should I take this into the dealership and have it looked at? Maybe get a...
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    What is your occupation?

    Service advisor at On Highway truck shop.
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    Yay or nay. Cayman that will never happen...

    Would rock the fuck out of that.
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    POLE - Who do you want to win the World Series?

    Born and raised in KC, so obviously rooting for the Royals.
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    Dumptrolling Diaries: Tales of 'splosions and Dumpdowns

    You can get it either way. Your body changes chemically every 7 years, and that's when it happened. I didn't have it till I was about 18. It can go away though, after another change. Lol free weight loss. I'm wayyy under weight to begin with. And yes, I can't drink beer. I usually drink cider...
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    Dumptrolling Diaries: Tales of 'splosions and Dumpdowns

    Diarrhea at least once a week. Just pissed out my ass. Fuck Celiac disease.
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    POLE - Alcoholic beverage of choice....

    Whiskey sours all day.
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    Isla Vista shootings

    Read my post again. Jesus christ, this world gets dumber and dumber by the minute.
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    Isla Vista shootings

    That wasn't my question. If you want to use Prohibition as an example, sure. Ban alcohol, people will and can still get a hold of it. Same goes for marijuana. Ban guns, it doesn't make a difference because 1/3 of the felons that have them don't have them registered, are stolen, etc.
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    Isla Vista shootings

    He hated women. He stated it several times. I know this. Not sure where you're going with this.
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    Isla Vista shootings

    QUESTION - Are there any morons in this thread with enough balls to admit banning guns would solve the problem?
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    Isla Vista shootings

    ^Says the guy that is going off about anything but what the family is going through. That's a hypocrite at it's finest. This thread is about a mass shooting and you're talking about women being raped, harassed, etc.
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    Isla Vista shootings

    Obviously he didn't tell them that face to face, the kid is somewhat intelligent.
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    Isla Vista shootings

    If you read the article, you would have seen that his parents did report him and sent him in to be interviewed. The police saw no threat.
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    Isla Vista shootings

    He was seeing a psychiatrist.