Search results

  1. Niner

    Anybody a video game junkie?

    I just completed Zelda: BOTW and recently downloaded the free Horizon Zero Dawn bundle. Giving HZD a try now - pretty cool thus far.
  2. Niner

    Official Pure White GTI / Golf Thread

    I just need a drop and some spacers...
  3. Niner

    The Unofficial New England Introduce yourself Thread!

    I'm probably half your age and I still struggle getting out of the buckets. :ROFLMAO:
  4. Niner

    The Unofficial New England Introduce yourself Thread!

    She be cray. I lucked out - my wife loves fast vehicles 2 wheels or 4!
  5. Niner

    The Unofficial New England Introduce yourself Thread!

    NOICE! Congrats, Steve. Where abouts in VT are you?
  6. Niner

    LED Door Projector Logo's - Puddle Lights

    Thank you again, @laney456
  7. Niner

    LED Door Projector Logo's - Puddle Lights

    What does the shipping look like from UK to US?
  8. Niner

    Mid Life GTI Journey

    Ahoy hoy! She's a beaut, man! Have fun and I look forward to seeing the mods come along. (I'm on the same mod trajectory as you)
  9. Niner

    Roof Wrap

    You're the real MVP here! Thanks, my dude.
  10. Niner

    Roof Wrap

    Any members here wrapped their roof by themselves? I'm looking for info on how large of a piece I realistically need and what brand/where to buy. TIA
  11. Niner

    WTB: Sequential Mirror Lights & Black Mirror Caps (MK7.5)

    Anyone selling black mirror caps, sequential mirror lights, or (preferably) both for a MK7.5? Or if anyone wants to point me in the right direction to get my hands on these items without spending $200-300... that would be great as well.
  12. Niner

    Official Pure White GTI / Golf Thread

    Ooooo weeeee!
  13. Niner

    FS: MK7.5 OEM Headlights (Halogens) - CT

    I'm looking to offload my excellent condition MK7.5 OEM halogen headlights. They came off of a 2019 GTI S model. Looking for $250 OBO. Located in CT but I am willing to ship them at the buyers expense.
  14. Niner

    Dogbone mount

  15. Niner

    JBL and Cerwin Vega Spare Tire Powered Subs

    Finished up installing the CV replacement unit. Good looking out with the inverted wingnut tip! Worked perfectly and there is 0 wobble. Thanks again for all your help.
  16. Niner

    BEC Autoparts - 2018+ Golf\GTI HID\LED Replica Headlights for Sale!

    Any info on a shipping timeline?