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  1. MBorVW

    The Official Gun Thread

    I finally got to try my new MP Shield 9mm yesterday and it may be the finest pistol that I've every owned or shot. Everything about it is fantastic but the trigger is perfect. My first round was a bullseye at 20ft...followed by a very nice grouping. I also got to try a new to me Beretta PX4...
  2. MBorVW


    Please provide a list of the tens of thousands killed by cops in this country.
  3. MBorVW


    Always deflecting. Blacks kill thousands of their own everyday, none of the race baiters care. One criminal is killed by a cop and Farrakhan is calling for a race war. An unarmed white man is hacked to death by black teens and the media tries to hide the fact that they're black. Quite a set...
  4. MBorVW


    The Farrakhan speech is real you moron. Forget about the website link, Farrakhan is calling for a race war....
  5. MBorVW


    Not if citizen on citizen crime is quite likely a racially motivated crime.
  6. MBorVW


    You really are a cop hater. How about this crazy fuk? Him not you.
  7. MBorVW


    Bosnian man beat to death by AA teens in STL...yet nearly every media outlet will not say it was racially motivated or even give the race of the assailants. It doesn't fit the current narrative I suppose...
  8. MBorVW

    The Official Gun Thread

    Good luck with Kimber. Reviews are mixed
  9. MBorVW


    I think all parties are in on it...they are both pandering to the extremists on both sides. I'm starting to hate both parties equally. Something bigger may be at work. #Tin foil hat
  10. MBorVW


    I feel the same. There seems to be a calculated effort to divide the nation. We need to be more united than ever considering the outside threats we face. Makes you wonder...
  11. MBorVW


    Body cameras will be standard soon.
  12. MBorVW


    Sorry for being so harsh. I'm not a cop but I do have family and friends in the profession. Locally several officers have been killed in the past two years. There's more violence in our country these days. I wouldn't want that job.
  13. MBorVW


    I almost had respect for you until you made this blanket statement.
  14. MBorVW


    The real protest would be staying in school, working, joining the military, not doing drugs, not impregnating multiple women, and basically following the rules. I know lots of people of all races who have had very good luck following these suggestions.
  15. MBorVW


    This right here.
  16. MBorVW

    OT #24: Attention whoring at its finest.

    Same here. Life is not guaranteed why not enjoy it a bit? You can be responsible and enjoy things as well.
  17. MBorVW

    OT #24: Attention whoring at its finest.

    They nailed the suspension in the mk7. Sure there's a bit of wheel gap but the ride is perfect.
  18. MBorVW

    OT #24: Attention whoring at its finest.

    Really improved ride quality.
  19. MBorVW

    OT #24: Attention whoring at its finest.

    I test drove a couple of Mk7 last Tuesday...thought about it for awhile then went back Thursday and bought a 2015 4dr GTI SE with DSG. No ragrets, car is amazing to me! True I loved my Mk6 dearly but at 75k miles, no warranty, and some subframe chatter recently I was just ready for new and...