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  1. T

    WTB: Winter Tires/wheels

    Anyone selling anything? Looking for 16's, which im pretty sure will clear my stock brakes.
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    What car did you pass your driving test in?

    Took my drivers test in 2005 in a 1998 Jeep grand cherokee sport. Funny enough, my dad has still driven that car until now and ordered the replacement car two days ago. That man loves to drive his cars into the ground
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    What is your occupation?

    I'm a geologist working in the environmental field for a massive and seemingly evil corporation. Also, i do a little web design/graphic design on the side
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    GTI Wallet

    Ive had mine a week and i love it so far. Accidentally left it in my car one day when i put it on the seat though!
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    GTI Wallet

    PMing you now
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    GTI Wallet

    Sorry to bump an old thread but, if anyone is looking for one of these i accidentally got 2, one is still in the original packaging. Gonna post it for sale in a bit
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    Winter Tires - will 16's fit?

    I just got my GTI a few days ago and was wondering what people run for winters. I have never owned a winter tire before but I am realizing that, here in Buffalo, these 18's aren't going to cut it. In a perfect world, 16's seem like they would be the cheapest way to go. Anyone have any advice?
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    light strips at base of door getting dirty

    So the chrome strip with the red line light came with some caked on stickyness, and has been dirty nearly constantly. Any advice on good products to use on it to keep it clean? preferably something I can keep in the car since it seems this will be an ongoing issue.