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  1. E

    WTB: MK7 R front brake kit

    I have calipers, pads, rotors and brake lines with 7k on them but no shields
  2. E

    Fuel Pump Controller Options/Upgrades (this is gonna be a long one...)

    I love what you are researching, I’m currently hung up on what I want to do for a LPFP. Is you idea to use a Part’s Bin controller as a substitute for a PM4? I thought I read on here somewhere that the brushless kits are all using the Ti BKS1000...? I was trying to figure out the dimensions of...
  3. E

    How are the EQT OTS / base Accessport tunes?

    Hammersticks: I think it’s 1-2 minutes roughly to swap tunes. I was too giddy to pay better attention to that last time I flashed the R