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    I recently installed a Becker Performance (Billy Boat knockoff) catless DP. This type has the O2 bung much further down the pipe, and because of this you need an extension. After three different extensions tried, I am still getting the following codes: P0036, P0030, P0037, P0031. All of them...
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    Weird Dragging Feel

    So, I'm not sure if this is an issue, but I can feel an odd on-off dragging/vibration through the pedals when turning right at normal speeds. It seems to be even more noticeable at 80-85 mph. I thought at first it was my DP rubbing on something, so I changed the DP and it's still there. I...
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    EVO MR.....Butthurt

    Got a chance to run the above mentioned car tonight. My wife and I were heading home, and had it running up on my ass. He went around and pulled in front of me and took off. I caught up, but didn't get a chance to pass him. He kept pushing it; we were running fast, and I got a chance to...
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    Lost To A Hyundai...

    Not really. I rolled away from the light casually, after the dude tried to race me at the light. He decided to do a fly-by, so I chased after.... I just ref lashed back to St. 2 this morning, so the car is still adjusting; it took me until 80mph to catch the guy, and as soon as I did he...
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    GTI vs. CTS-V

    Don't do it with four people in the car. Lol. I got my ass handed to me, but already knew I would.
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    Driving Songs

    Radar Love-Golden Earing. Everytime this song comes on, I end up at triple digit speeds. Mike
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    Odd Buffeting Noise

    Not sure where to post this: My car has started making an odd buffeting noise, similar to when you only have one window down, but not as loud; that and the sound a tire makes when it has a flat spot. I'm not feeling anything unusual in the steering wheel or the pedals, but maybe a very slight...
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    North Austin/Cedar Park Meetup

    I know there are a few, maybe more, of us that live in this area. I mentioned it on the FB group, but I'm putting out feelers for a Friday or Saturday night meet and cruise (this would happen continuously, not just this weekend). I'm thinking we could meet at Red Horn on Parmer-1431, have a...
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    ED Stage 2 GTI vs. 5th Gen SS

    Finally got the chance to run one tonight. Pulled up next to a really, really cool chick in a SS who wanted to race. We agreed to a second gear roll out, and then pin it after that.... I shut it down around a triple digit speed with her about 2.5 cars behind. We chatted afterwards, and all...
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    ED Stage 2 GTI vs. C7 Corvette

    I was on one of the highways here the other night, when I had a newer base C7 decide he wanted to play. We went back and forth for about a 1/2 mile, trying to settle in, and then off we went; the guy couldn't drive for shit! I pulled away from him, and put about 1.5 car lengths on him in a...
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    MK7 GTI vs SRT-8

    I lost.....but not by as much as I expected. We both turned left into another red light, but we were able to slow roll until the light turned green. Surprisingly, I nudged forward a bit, but in the end I ended up about a 1-1.5 car lengths back. Before everyone flames me, I knew I would lose...
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    What did you do to your mk7 today?

    Blew through nearly two tanks of gas. Mike
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    Just picked up our GTI today. What kind of VW scene is in Austin? MIke
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    So, my wife and I just picked up our GTI today. On our way home, a MK7 kept running up quick behind us, flashing his lights, and honking his horn. My wife asks, "Why does this asshole keep flashing me, and honking is horn?", I said he's probably just being an asshole. He then starts to come...