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  1. G

    24 teeth Oil Pump mod for Volkswagen MK7 2015 GTI

    Thanks, the gear of the oil pump from your link has only 19 teeth (I counted), that is better. Folks DIY replacing the oil pump, only need to pay for the pump, 860 bucks plus tax and shipping (from Germany) amouts to about 1200 bucks, not bad to mitigate low oil pressure on hot idle problem...
  2. G

    24 teeth Oil Pump mod for Volkswagen MK7 2015 GTI

    Thanks, there is oil pump for MK7 with 22 teeth gear for sale...
  3. G

    24 teeth Oil Pump mod for Volkswagen MK7 2015 GTI

    Thanks, I find this forum very valuable and to the point.
  4. G

    24 teeth Oil Pump mod for Volkswagen MK7 2015 GTI

    The gear of OEM VW MK7 oil pump has 22 teeth. However, it appears there is Chinese mod of 24 teeth oil pump for VW MK7: While it is likely aftermarket, it may pump more oil than the OEM 22 teeth oil pump, for each full turn of the gear. What's the...
  5. G

    Are VW MK7 oil pressure sensors on downstream (after) or upstream (before) oil filter?

    Thanks, got the doc: Oil filter is #14, it has #13, non return valve, and #15 drain value which drain the oil back to the sump. I do not see, in the schemaic diagram from SSP606, pressure relieve bypass valve to let the oil unfiltered to the engine, in the event of clogged filter, in the...
  6. G

    Are VW MK7 oil pressure sensors on downstream (after) or upstream (before) oil filter?

    Thanks, that makes perfect sense. This means a clogged oil filter, or a more restrictive oil filter may result in larger pressure drop which will show up in the oil pressure guage if the guage is mounted on the brown sensor port. By the way, VW MK7 oil filter itself does not appear to have...
  7. G

    Are VW MK7 oil pressure sensors on downstream (after) or upstream (before) oil filter?

    I was wondering if the oil pressure sensor where I installed an oil guage is after the oil filter (downstream from oil flter) or before the oil fiter (upstream to the oil filter)? Anyone can enlighten me? From the position, those brown and blue oil pressure sensors are located below the oil...
  8. G

    Dropping sump, clean or replace oil pick up pipe?

    Thanks, got it. By the way, I used my phone with flash on to take this photo. Is the metal mesh on the right side of the photo appearing blocked partially according to your observation? I am thinking to replace the oil pickup pipe. Thanks again.
  9. G

    Dropping sump, clean or replace oil pick up pipe?

    Thanks, glittery means reflection of light or some metal particle blocking the mesh partially on right side of the photo? Thanks again
  10. G

    Dropping sump, clean or replace oil pick up pipe?

    I just dropped the oil sump, because I have gotten low oil pressure warning during hot idle. Here is the oil pickup tube mesh. Note: Oil pressure during cold idle started from 3.9 bar, when temp increased to operating temp, idle oil pressure could go down to about 0.5 bar, lower than 0.85...
  11. G

    2015 GTI SE (MK7) N428 Disconnect Oil Pressure Regulatition Valve

    I think the purpose of n428 is to stablize the oil flow speed. During the high oil pressure stage, n428 needs to be in closed state, to prevent oil flow too quickly which causes oil does not stays on engine parts, flow of oil should slow down on engine parts to keep parts lubricated; during...
  12. G

    2015 GTI SE (MK7) N428 Disconnect Oil Pressure Regulatition Valve

    n428 from MK7 is easy to reach, after removing the mud guard, but very hard to unplug (hard to pull, at an angle). I will need to remove the wheel from front passenger side, take off the lower fender liner to have direct straight pull to remove/replace n428.
  13. G

    2015 GTI SE (MK7) N428 Disconnect Oil Pressure Regulatition Valve

    N428 is supposed to be closed during high pressure and open during low pressure. When oil pressure is low due to high oil temp (over 80 degree celcus) and low RPM (idle, <800 RPM), N428 should be open, not closed. If (n428 卡在开(执行)状态, translate to English, if n428 is in the state of open), then...
  14. G

    2015 GTI SE (MK7) N428 Disconnect Oil Pressure Regulatition Valve

    "To make pressure higher you should change spring inside the pump to stiffer." I plan to take off the oil pump from the MK7, after remving the oil sump and baffle. I will see if the spring can be easily replaced. If not, just replace with a new pump. It is possible that the spring inside...
  15. G

    Volkswagen MK7 Camshaft bracket aka Cam Bridge No Mesh Screen anymore?

    There is a mesh screen Ealier model of VW's Cam Bridge: VW MK7 (2015 GTI), cam bridge is different, as there are 2 camshafts: Notice there is no more mesh screen, that exists on earlier model of cam bridge. The reason asked is the mesh screen prone to be broken and caused low oil pressure...
  16. G

    2015 GTI SE (MK7) N428 Disconnect Oil Pressure Regulatition Valve

    Thanks, good reference. Read page 25 to page 33, following excerpt on the EA211 engine: With the new oil pumps for the EA211 engine family, the oil pressure is regulated at two levels depending on the engine speed and load. Above all, in the lower to medium engine speed/load range, the drive...
  17. G

    2015 GTI SE (MK7) N428 Disconnect Oil Pressure Regulatition Valve

    My 2015 GTI (75K Miles) is having low oil pressure P164D00 warning. Last time, oil changed at dealer, and I sent oil sample for analysis and came back with 100 degree celcus is about 10.6, which looks like the dealer used 5W30 oil. I have changed with Castro Edge 5W40, still having P164D00. I...
  18. G

    Volkswagen 2015 GTI (ML7) floor Jack point jack to 8" high ramp

    Looks like driving onto the car ramp (other than jack up the car with jack stand) is the only option. I made a wooden incline slope, place it at the end of the car ramp, just incase drive cross the ramp edge, so the car can be slowly diven down the incline slope. I made the presentation on...
  19. G

    Volkswagen 2015 GTI (ML7) floor Jack point jack to 8" high ramp

    Thanks, good point:) I would still be looking for a solution how to place that MK7 on that metal ramp, without driving onto it. I do not trust any plastic/rubber ramp, no matter what tonnage rating on paper they have. The problem is the stop edge is too low, easy to drive cross it, make it...