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  1. Trytun

    The Official Road Rage Story Thread

    I got rear ended Wednesday while I was sitting stopped on the highway. He hit me fairly hard but my damage was restricted to my upper bumper and not the hatch or anything. Anyways, the guy refused to pull over or get off the highway and kept going, weaving and out of heavy traffic and in and...
  2. Trytun

    The Official Road Rage Story Thread

    I'm from the farmlands of Illinois, the busiest road we had is two lanes each way through town and our highways were small. Then I moved to LA. My first year here I had my big Toyota Tundra TRD Off Road and holy shit I thought I was going to die every day. I can relate so well to this. But...
  3. Trytun

    Ticket Help

    This thread is excellent. In4updates.
  4. Trytun

    Lebanon Ford Selling New Mustang GTs with twin-turbo Hellion kits installed

    Sounds badass. Now you can super launch into those crowds with no issues!
  5. Trytun

    So my Buyback Offer just arrived, time to get serious about what to buy...

    Good choice - I'm a BMW fan myself Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Trytun

    So my Buyback Offer just arrived, time to get serious about what to buy...

    If you want the displacement, buy like a 2006-08 M5. You can find them for decent mileage and price and have a few grand left to get it the way you want. Plus you get that soul shaking sound . . . glorious.
  7. Trytun

    The Official Road Rage Story Thread

    Yup - just like this driving a little Elantra Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Trytun

    The Official Road Rage Story Thread

    Had an encounter on my way home tonight. I was in the right lane and the lady in front of me was making a right hand turn and there wasn't enough room for me to pass her. The guy behind me in a newer Hyundai Elantra just started laying on his horn and sped past me, merged into my lane and...
  9. Trytun

    The Official Road Rage Story Thread

    You can, it's just a long process. There's resources on your nearest base to help you. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Trytun

    The Official Road Rage Story Thread

    It took me 6 months to get my CCW in Cali - had prior CCW in Illinois and a veteran, which sped the process up. It's a nightmare here in Cali. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Trytun

    Warranty work by

    My 2016 Fusion work car is really nice actually - I was really surprised by it. It's got zero performance but it drives like its on a cloud and it's comfortable enough to sit in for extended periods of time. I've had to take it in to the dealer near my place one time for warranty work (the...
  12. Trytun

    Warranty work by

    Not everyone is experienced enough to disassemble the interior of their car to pinpoint a leak. I agree that DIY would be the best option but you SHOULD be able to trust the manufacturer/dealer to fix a defect after you spent so much $$ on said product.
  13. Trytun

    Warranty work by

    damn That's messed up. With those photos I'd go plaster their Facebook page with it and then put it up on Instagram and tag Ford and be super pissed about it. That's how companies respond and fix things nowadays - they see the issue on social media and don't want the bad press.
  14. Trytun

    Worst car Subculture

    The SoCal VW culture seems pretty good and accepting. I'd say it's definitely a regional thing. Around here in SoCal, and especially where I'm at - I'd say the Subie guys . . . So tired of seeing BRZ's on donuts . . . slammed as far as they can go with fart cans sounding like they got...
  15. Trytun

    A little story I wished to share

    I gotta admit - I was entertained at the very least.