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  1. TwinDad

    APR Stage 3 IS20 - Misfires/EPC only in 3rd gear 6000RPM 09G AT

    Just going to throw it out there. My sportwagen with the 09g would spin the tires on the 2-3 shift and shift third to fourth at full throttle and no issues. Reflect Tuning
  2. TwinDad

    I sold the sportwagen and moved on

    We actually are almost two years in. We bought it right before the market went crazy. So we are already positive equity with it. That is if we sold. We aren’t going anywhere though for a while. Master bathroom is this May, and then we have the kitchen and some outdoor patio stuff around the pool...
  3. TwinDad

    Consensus 1.8T AT Best Tune for Daily Driver?

    There is no issues with the conventional auto at higher power levels. The only issues is that some tuners don’t know how to tune around the torque limiter built into the transmission tcu. I ran is20, upgraded hpfp, ethanol sensor and a flex fuel tune. I was running 28+ psi on e50 at the end with...
  4. TwinDad

    I sold the sportwagen and moved on

    I figured the Tacoma was for the gti/golf guys. So as a sportwagen owner I obviously needed bigger 🤣
  5. TwinDad

    I sold the sportwagen and moved on

    After almost 6 years with the car I’ve gone from jb1 to JB4 to is20 to custom flex fuel tune. It was loads of fun, but a truck is needed more than the car. We bought a house 1-1/2 years ago and I’ll be starting the bathroom renovation soon. Plus I do home inspections. The truck helps for tools...
  6. TwinDad

    Drag racing 2017 GSW MK7 TSi Auto.

    The only thing he has for the older model is the rpm shift points can be raised. That would all he would be able to offer with the mk7 as well. For an is20, my stock shift points are higher than necessary. So there isn’t really a need for it. As far as valve body adjustment, it is only for hard...
  7. TwinDad

    Drag racing 2017 GSW MK7 TSi Auto.

    I wouldn’t let it shift at redline. If you stay with the stock turbo, just use manual mode and shift around 5,500. By the time it gets it, it will be around 5,700-5,800. I wouldn’t go further. The auto shifts are slow. I’ve compared my dragy times for 60-100 vs dsg cars. I lose about 4 tenths of...
  8. TwinDad

    Stage 1 Tunes for the MK7 1.8T

    I don’t think many actually bought the APR+. It still blows my mind on how one does not equate higher quality fuel as part of the expense of modifying a car for power.
  9. TwinDad

    Any logs on stock tune with is20?

    The is20 will work fine on the stock tune. It won't be much faster if anything at all. I've run it and it felt ridiculously slow compared to a map 6. I never ran it vs an is12 to compare. As far as the map 1 thing, read what I wrote above. As far as what makes the best power, an is20 with a jb4...
  10. TwinDad

    Any logs on stock tune with is20?

    It really comes down to torque targeting from the stock ECU. The is20 has the capability of making more power at the same boost, but the stock tune has the ability to remove boost as it senses the torque target met. That is why with an is20 and jb4, the absolute targets works better than...
  11. TwinDad

    Stage 1 Tunes for the MK7 1.8T

    When you start modifying your car, you need to factor in fuel costs as part of it. It's not about the amount of gain vs the cost of fuel, it's about having the proper grade fuel for the best long term health of your car. So it's an investment. 87 does not have the knock and detonation protection...
  12. TwinDad

    Stage 1 Tunes for the MK7 1.8T

    Why not APR? Then the question is why limit to 87. You’ll pay for a tune, but not for fuel that will actually perform better when tuned?
  13. TwinDad

    Stage 1 Tunes for the MK7 1.8T

    As far as I know. I wouldn’t bother tuning though if 87 is a concern.
  14. TwinDad

    Question on AQ250 and 09G tranny on '17 GSW S (6spd non-dsg)

    His boost is what it is. He was lean as hell. Trims were 51 and AFR was 15’s when he was hitting 27psi. He backed it down to like 24 and went for more of an e20 blend. I think that is doable andhe was just tickling the max fueling that was available. I can see the is38 being a little more...
  15. TwinDad

    JB4 Golf IS38 1.8t 09G Dyno

    I’m sure the car feels great, but I’m going to say it was a happy dyno based on what flash tuned is38 cars have done. Time to get a dragy and post up some 60-100 times
  16. TwinDad

    Question on AQ250 and 09G tranny on '17 GSW S (6spd non-dsg)

    Yeah. I saw it. I’m calling happy dyno. The guy is on here as well. He posted his logs and he was super leaned out. He then lowered his boost. I would have to find the thread, but he is at like 24 peak. Even at that I’m surprised because I ran out of fueling with the is20 and the JB4 using e30...
  17. TwinDad

    Question on AQ250 and 09G tranny on '17 GSW S (6spd non-dsg)

    I’m is20, 2.0 hpfp and flex fuel tune. On 93 it’s around 300/330 and on e40 about 320/350. I then stack with the JB4 a little bit and I’m somewhere in the 330+/360+ range. I’m quicker than an is38 dsg sportwagen on e25 for 60-90, but the auto shifts a bit slow and I end up about even with him at...
  18. TwinDad

    2.0t HPFP swap on 1.8t

    Have you priced the Nostrum injectors. Now for the tuning platform to control them correctly. MPI is like 1/3 the price and easier. It’s plain and simple. That being said, the 1.8 hpfp is still inferior and should be upgraded. Go search the MK6 records. Especially when he big turbo GLI ones
  19. TwinDad

    2.0t HPFP swap on 1.8t

    Blah, blah, blah, blah. It’s 50 bar more pressure. It works tremendously. Mpi is way, way cheaper than DI. It’s also harder to tune larger DI injectors. They are working with limited tuning platforms because they don’t write there own tunes. So due to that and the cost of what a proper DI would...