ya the gti is a huge upgrade. my coils went on 3 days ago and I just but some bbs rs wheels on today. i'll be posting up pictures of it soon. congrats! and you're lucky you got the xenon headlights.
MVOC is a volkswagen, audi, porches, etc. rally and car show on June 3rd and 4th. The car Rally leaves from the Bigstop in Enfield and goes to the show in Dieppe New Bruinswick. I spoke with the organizer at his tuning shop in Dartmouth this week and he said its an amazing time. Last year they had 150 registered vehicles in the rally and another 30 or so unregistered. As far as he knows its the largest car rally in Canada. Some of the cars are tuned out and some of the cars are just your average day people with average day vw's audis who just have a passion for their vehicles. You should check out their website and come to the show.