Deutsche Auto Parts Dynamic Rear Signals-Noisy AM RFI


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Metuchen, NJ
"That said, this is a pretty simple experiment to work through: Remove dynamic harness, test blinker/AM interference. If no interference, then it's clear the dynamic harness needs filtering. If interference, then it's potentially additional components within the system not including the dynamic tail harness."

Correct. No interference with Dynamic harness removed (OEM, as were prior to installing the Dynamic harness).

'Filtering', as how? Wrapping in aluminum foil, lead?

Is this not an issue that should be addressed by the seller/manufacturer, or at least provide the solution?

I think the point was missed on my initial post of this issue. I had no AM static/noise prior, only after the harness was in, so to remove the harness to validate, the answer is yes, it is only when the harness is in.